Luke Hemmings imagine for Laura

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Laura's POV

I walked around the apartment I shared with my boyfriend Luke, Luke Hemmings from 5sos that is, I love Luke but right now he was irritating me. As I walked round the house picking up dirty washing that Luke had just chucked on the floor I got more and more annoyed every time I picked up another item of clothing. I walked into the living room, where Luke was sat on the sofa watching TV, with a basket full of his dirty washing that had been scattered around the house.

"Luke", I said trying to get him to tear himself away from the TV long enough to notice that I was annoyed. He didn't answer.

"Luke!", I said a bit louder getting irritated at the fact that he wasn't listening. He still didn't take any notice. I walked over and stood in front of the TV.

"What?", Luke said rather rudely if I do say so myself.

"I've just spent the last 20 minutes walking round the house picking up YOUR dirty clothes, is it really that hard to put them in the wash basket and not chuck them on the floor!", I know it's stupid but it was really getting to me that he did this all the time. Sometimes the wash basket was right next to him and he still threw it across the floor. I'm just sick of having to pick them up all the time, it's not fair to just expect me to clean up after him.

"I'm trying to watch something Laura can we do this later", he said not even listening to me at all.

"No we can not do this later", I said extremely annoyed that he thought watching TV was more important than me! I moved from in front of the TV and walked over to the coffee table. I picked up the remote and switched the TV off.

"What the hell Laura!", Luke practically shouted at me.

"You didn't even listen to what I said", I replied nearly in tears already.

"What is it? What do you want?", he said impatiently. I just burst into tears and ran upstairs to the bedroom.

"Laura wait, I'm sorry", I heard Luke say as I was half way up the stairs. He started following me up the stairs but I was in the bedroom and locked the door before he was even at the top of the stairs. I lay on the double bed crying quietly. I know it was only some little thing that probably didn't warrant a full blown argument but he could've at least listened to me. I heard Luke try and turn the handle on the door.

"Laura please let me in, I'm so sorry", he said from the other side of the door.

"Go away", I said with my head buried in the pillow. I heard Luke go back downstairs. I lay their thinking it through wondering what Luke was doing. I heard rummaging through the kitchen draws and then he came running back up the stairs. shit the spare key I thought to myself. I forgot it was in the kitchen. Luke unlocked the door and walked over to the bed. I felt the bed dip down as he sat on it next to where I was laying. I didn't turn round to look at him, I lay there not wanting to look at him. He lay down behind me and wrapped his arms around my middle bringing me closer to him

"I'm so sorry I didn't listen to you. I promise I'll pick my clothes up next time", he said resting his head on my shoulder. I still didn't move or say anything.

"Let me make it up to you", he whispered and kissed my shoulder. "let me take you out tonight to show you how much I love you"

I smiled but didn't move still.

"Pleeeeeease Laura", he said nuzzling his head into my neck. I giggled as his nose tickled my neck making him smile. I slowly turned around and looked at him. He wiped the tears off of my face and tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"I'm sorry", he said again.

"It's ok I'm sorry for making such a big deal out of it", I replied cuddling up to him resting my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat.

"So can I take you out tonight?", he asked me.

"You don't have to", I said quietly. I meant it I would've been quite happy just laying like this for the rest of the night.

"I want to though, how about we go to the new restaurant down the road", he asked and I nodded in agreement knowing that he wouldn't stop apologizing all night if I didn't say yes.

Luke slowly moved away from me on the bed and got up. He walked into the bathroom and came back out a few minutes later with a little bag in his hand. As he walked closer to me I could see that the bag said Pandora on it. Luke sat down next to me on the bed where I had now sat up looking at him questioningly.

"Here", he said handing me the bag that was done up with a little. "I was going to give it to you for our anniversary this year but I want you to have it now". He watched me carefully as I started to open the bag. I untied the ribbon first and put that on the pillow next to me. I opened the bag and inside was a little black box that also had Pandora written on the top of it. I opened up the little black box and inside it was a beautiful ring shaped into a heart at the front with a little silver crystal inside the heart.

"I love it", I said smiling widely at him. I put the ring on and it fit perfectly.

"I'm glad you like it", he said putting his hand on my lower back and coming closer to me.

"I more than like it, I love it, almost as much as I love you", I smiled and turned round to face him giving him a kiss on the cheek and he did the same to me.

"I love you to", he said "Now lets get ready to go out shall we?"

We both got up from the bed and Luke kissed me one more time before he went to get some clothes from the wardrobe. He also picked out a baby blue dress for me to wear. I hadn't worn it yet because I hadn't really had anywhere to wear it to but I loved it, it was my favourite colour and I loved the way it looked on me. I put my baby pink heels on to go with it and took my baby pick clutch bag to match it. Luke was wearing his black skinny jeans with a white shirt and black blazer jacket. Just as we were about to leave for the restaurant Luke pulled me close to him.

"I love you so much", he practically whispered and kissed me on the lips softly.

"I love you to", I said as we broke apart from the kiss. We headed out to the restaurant and it was a lovely night something me and Luke should do more often.



I'm really bad at endings! sorry

this would have been up earlier but I had to re type it because it didn't save so sorry it took so long but I hope you like it Laura and thanks for requesting.

if you want me to write you one then just message me :)

Thanks for reading ILY xx

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