Ashton Irwin Imagine for Mary

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// first imagine so here goes hope you like it// request if you want one//

Ashton Irwin Imagine for Mary :)

written from Mary's POV

I woke up to the sun shining through the curtains of the bedroom window, I had stayed round my best friend Ashton's house last night because we had a movie night and it was really late so he said I could stay over. This happens nearly every time we have movie nights but I don't mind I quite like spending time with Ashton, if only he knew that I actually like him as more than a friend. No, he's never going to know because it would just ruin what we have and he doesn't feel the same anyway.

I turned on my side to where Ashton was laying still sleeping peacefully, I watched him for a moment taking in all his features. I slowly and quietly turned back around and sat up in bed stretching, I must have lay funny in the night because my neck now hurts. Just as I was about to put my feet into my slippers I felt an arm wrap around my stomach and pull me back down. Ashton held onto me as he brought me closer to him. When my back was fully against his bare chest he rested his chin on my shoulder whispering good morning into my ear. His morning voice sounded deep and his hair tickled my neck slightly as he shifted his head slightly so that his nose brushed against my cheek. I replied to him with a 'good morning' and turned around in his arms so I was facing him. His face was closer to mine than I expected but neither of us pulled away.

"What would you like for breakfast this morning?", I asked Ashton trying to make conversation so the atmosphere didn't feel so tense.

"I don't mind as long as its edible because I'm starving" he replied yawning. He removed one of his arms from around my waist and up to his head where he brushes a stray piece of hair out of his face. He smiled at me and said "let's go see what we've got in the kitchen".

We got out of bed silently and Ashton started walking to the kitchen I followed behind him. Ashton was only wearing his boxers and I had my underwear and one of his tops on, it was way to big for me and came down to just above my knees. As we entered the kitchen I saw the other boys were already awake and making breakfast. Ashton lived with his band mates and I got on really well with all of them so they didn't mind it when I stayed over. Michael and Luke were sat at the kitchen table while Calum was making toast for them.

"make us some will you Calum?" Ashton asked as he walked over to the table where Michael and Luke were sat together.

"Sure" Calum replied as he handed Luke some toast he had just made.

"Morning guys", I said as I took a seat next to Ashton at the table. The replies were a mixture of 'Morning' and 'Morning Mary'. I sat quietly waiting for my toast as the boys talked band stuff. I was in my own little world day dreaming when Calum put the toast covered in vegemite in front of me. I thanked him and ate it.

"so what are you guys doing today?" , I asked the boys after we'd finished eating our toast.

"Me, Calum and Luke are going shopping but Ashton's free all day", Michael said with a smirk on his face, I looked at him questioningly but decided to ignore it and instead turned to Ashton.

"You fancy a lazy day in then Ash?", I asked him.

"Yeah sure", he replied getting up and going to his bedroom to put some clothes on. I sat in the kitchen with the rest of the boys while they finished their drinks before heading out.

"You do realise Ashton is in love with you right?", Michael said. I sat their shocked for a moment not knowing if they were joking or being honest. Did they know I liked him? No they couldn't, could they?

"Don't be stupid Michael", I said laughing it off. "We're just friends".

"Well you might want to tell Ashton that because if I have to sit through one more minute of Ashton telling us how much he loves you I think I'm going to kill him", Luke said. I blushed and tried to hide my face. Did Ashton really feel the same way that I do? Just as Calum opened his mouth to speak Ashton walked back in with sweatpants and a tank top. The boys grinned like children at him as he looked suspiciously at them.

"What have you done now?", Ashton asked the boys as he walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me picking me up walking into the living room with me. He put me down on the couch and sat next to me.

"Nothing", Luke said as him and the boys stood in the doorway stilly grinning stupidly.

"We just told Mary how you're in love with her and never stop talking about her", Michael said, before Ashton could reply the boys had already ran out of the door knowing better than to wait around and see his reaction.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to make it awkward between us it's just you're so amazing and beautiful and I know you don't feel the same but..." Ashton was rambling on but all I heard from him was that he thinks I'm beautiful. I looked back up at him and now I was the one smiling stupidly. He stopped talking and looked at me.

"Why are you smiling like that?", he questioned me.

"Because you said I was beautiful", I answered and this time it was his turn to blush. He looked away but I turned his head back towards me. "who said I don't feel the same?" I said smiling at him.

"So you do feel the same?", he asked hopefully. I didn't reply I simply pulled him closer to me and connected our lips. It was amazing, it felt right and I didn't want to pull away.

When we did finally pull apart he rested his forehead on mine and said "I'll take that as a yes then" he winked cheekily at me before kissing me again. We were interrupted by the sound of clapping coming from the doorway. The Boys were stood there.

"Now aren't you glad we told her", Michael said.

"Yes but I'm still going to get you back", Ashton said laughing still holding me close. I rested my head on his shoulder and that's how we stayed for the rest of the day.


Yay okay first imagine done! let me know what you think and inbox me if you want me to write you one :)

I know its not the best and it went on for a bit but I'd really appreciate it if you could vote, comment and follow me for more imagines  :)

Thanks for reading ily all :) xx

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