Michael Clifford imagine for Michaela

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Michaela POV

I checked myself in the mirror one more time before walking down the stairs to open the door. I was going out with the boys from 5SOS today and I really like Michael. The boys keep telling me that he likes me to but he's never actually said anything to me or made a move. But we're all going out for lunch today so I decided I'd make an effort and try to get him to notice me. I had be trying on different clothes all morning to see what looked best and I decided upon a black skated skirt and a red crop top and my red converse to go with it. I put on some red lipstick as well and straightened my hair. And if I do say so myself I look pretty damn good. Usually I just wear my skinny jeans and the boys have never seen me in a skirt before so I don't know how they're going to react when they see me. I can hear the boys talking on the other side of the door as I'm walking down the stairs. They're so loud.

"Hi guys", I say as I open the door and welcome them in to the house. I get a mixture of hey's and hi's back none of them really looking at me.

"So you ready to....", Ashton's voice trails off as he looks up from his phone at me. Stopping mid sentence causes the rest of the boys to look up at me. They all stand there staring at me wide eyed and opened mouth and suddenly I feel very self conscious and wished I hadn't decided to wear a skirt.

"Stop staring at me!", I say as I blush a little and look at the ground embarrassed.

"Michaela you have legs?", Calum says jokingly to me. I still feel self conscious and this doesn't help at all. I mean me and Calum have always been the jokey type of friends where you can say something offensive and then laugh about 2 minutes later because you know they're only kidding but today it just made me feel more insecure about wearing a stupid skirt.

"shut up okay all my jeans are in the wash", I lie. Okay don't judge me I know I shouldn't lie but I needed an excuse.

"I'm not complaining", Ashton said giving me a cheeky wink. I lightly punch his arm and he pretends to fall to the floor like I've just shot him.

"You look lovely" Luke says, the gentleman as always.

"Thank you", I reply smiling at him. It made me feel a bit better but all I really wanted to know was what Michael thought. And as if Luke had read my mind he chirped up.

"Don't you think she looks great Michael",  Luke said smirking as he did so. Luke knew I liked Michael and I shot him a death glare.

"Umm...yeah...you...you look great", Michael said stuttering as he tried to avoid looking at me. Well I guess this plan didn't work then because he's clearly not interested.

"Let's just go", I said trying not to show my disappointment in Michael's reaction.

We walked it into town, I was walking with Luke and Ashton while Calum and Michael were walking a few paces in front of us. We were going to see a movie as the boys were having a day off from recording and they invited me along as we've been friends for a while. I get along really well with all the boys and love spending time with them I just wish I could spend a bit more time with Michael....alone.

We were going to watch the new Lego movie because boys being boys wanted to watch some stupid cartoon about toys and of course majority rules so I didn't get a say in the film choice. The cinema was only a few minutes away when Luke decided to strike up a conversation about Michael.

"Michaela you do know that Michael is seriously in love with you", he said loud enough for me to hear but not to loud so that Michael wouldn't hear.

"Well he has a funny way of showing it if he does", I said sounding a lot more annoyed that I would've like to.

"What do you mean", Ashton asked.

"He wouldn't even look at me back at my house", I said not caring if I sounded disappointed any more they already knew I liked him anyway.

"That's because he gets all nervous around you", Luke said laughing a bit. I was about to reply when I heard Calum shout "We're here". I looked up at the big building in front of me. It was old and the N was falling off the sign that said cinema but it looks a lot nicer on the inside. We walked inside and got our tickets. Calum, Luke and Ashton then went off to get food and drinks leaving me and Michael alone waiting for them to return. I wanted to say something I just didn't know what to say. I didn't want to say something stupid and sound like and idiot so I just didn't say anything. We stood there in silence for a few minutes before Michael decided to talk.

"You really do look amazing in a skirt", he said quietly and for the first time today he actually looked at me. It wasn't for long though because we both blushed and looked away quickly.

"Thank you but you don't have to say that", I said and now I was the one not wanting to look at him.

"I mean it though you look beautiful; you always do", he mumbled the last part so quietly that I'm not sure if he actually wanted me to here it and I felt my cheeks go red at what he had said.

"Really", I asked

"Yeah you're really beautiful, if you were mine I'd tell you that everyday", he smiled and then realised what he had just said out loud and looked away blushing even more than I was which I didn't think was possible. I giggled which made him turn his face and look at me questioningly.

"Why are you laughing", he said sounding offended. I hadn't meant to offend him I just thought it was cute how embarrassed he was and how I'd been trying to get him to notice me today but it turns out he notices me all the time. I decided not to answer him and instead leaned towards him and lightly kissed his cheek, leaving a bit of red lipstick on his cheek, which just made him blush even more.

"What was that for", he asked still trying to hide how embarrassed he was.

"Well you did just call me beautiful", I said "Oh and for the record if I was yours you could tell me I'm beautiful all day", I giggled and winked at him which still just made him blush.

He mumbled something and I didn't quite catch what he said.

"What did you say", I asked hoping he'd say it louder this time. He took a deep breath.

"Would you like to be my girlfriend?", He said louder this time looking right at me. I smiled at him and nodded my head.

"I'd love to", I said and he leaned down and attached his lips to mine. It was perfect and we both started to smile into the kiss and pulled away from each other.

"I've wanted to do that for a long time", he said still smiling at me.

"So have I", I said and we kissed again. He rested his hands on my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Well what do we have here boys", Calum said. Michael and I pulled apart to see the others stood there grinning at us stupidly.

"So are you guys together now?" Luke asked.

"Yes", we both said in unison and smiled at each other again.

"Well it's about time", Ashton said hitting Michael on the arm lightly which I guess was sort of a congratulations.

"Lets go watch this film then shall we", Calum said starting to walk towards screen number 3 and we all followed him. We were sat in the middle of the cinema. Luke was sitting on the end and then it was Ashton, Calum, Michael and me in the corner. Michael was still holding my hand and did so all the way through the film. Every so often he would look at me and I would look at him and we'd smile at each other and sometimes he would give me a little kiss. I didn't watch most of the film as I kept looking at Michael, my boyfriend, most of the time. It felt great to finally be able to call him my boyfriend after liking him for so long.

After the film we all went back to mine and had a movie night. All the boys slept over and I spent the whole night cuddled up to Michael.



hope you like it :) I know I'm still really bad at endings sorry.

Thankyou to Michaela for requesting x

Thankyou for reading and if you want an imagine then just go drop me a message and I'll get back to you asap  :) xxx

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