23. Insomnia

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You know at night when I can't sleep, I turn over and over in my bed

Hoping that those memories won't haunt me

Those memories of you, of us, what we were back when

The happy us, the forever-together us.

We were so sappy back then, it makes me sick now because I can't be anymore

You know, when I close my eyes shut
I pretend to sleep because I know I won't, otherwise

I pretend that I'm just another girl whose heart is broken and that everything doesn't bother her

But it does, and I pretend

You know, I still see glimpses of you in other people

I can't help it if someone else has got hair like you do.

I still see the impossible us, happy together

I know it's impossible but it's not my fault that my heart, though itself in pieces wants us together, after Everything

It's not that I don't want to move on, it's just that... I can't


A/N Hey! :)

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