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'Hey, I believe we should take a break. Not a official break up or whatever but a break. ' Her thumb pressed send, she was nervous was to how he would react. If he'd be mad or understanding. But you could never really tell with Harry.

Fifty-five minutes went by until there was a slight vibrate on the sofa that was chimed with a 'ding' sound; it simply read 'yeah, that's fine'. Ruby couldn't tell if Harry was being passive about it or he just didn't care as much as she wanted too. Either way she messaged back once more to say 'Well you know I'm off to Thailand tomorrow so please, please give me space. This will all depend on our future.'

'Alright' he said.

Ruby sighed, after she read the text the didn't bother to respond. She simply faced her phone down and went to pack the rest of her bag; she started earlier during the day.

The clock read 21:00 indicating it was now 9 o'clock. Her flight was at 6 am. Ruby was ecstatic to be going to Thailand, she always adored the place. Of course she would be even more over the moon if Harry was to come along with her but nope. He didn't.

After packing was done she went to her living room, sat on the sofa and put on Ant-man, because if there's one thing you should know about her is that she is a sucker for Marvel.

Half way through she picked back up her phone to go on to twitter. She tweeted 'Can't wait to be leave for Thailand tomorrow!! A week on sunshine, yes please' and then locked her phone.

Soon later the Movie had finished and it was now half past midnight. She decided to grab her phone and a bottle of water, to then head to bed. She tucked in and plugged her phone on charge and went to check twitter. She had tweets from Harry's viewers saying 'have a good time' and 'fly safe' and then she came across one from Harry himself.

It read 'Have fun in Thailand! Stay safe! Talk to ya when you're back' She smiled but felt a little sad too because this would mean that Harry was actually listening to her for once. Which shouldn't be bad but she didn't mean it when she said not to talk to her because what girl really means it when she says she wants 'space'.

But hey Harry can be dumb. Most times.

She liked the tweet and replying with 'thankyou xx'

Then locking her phone ready to wake up at 6.

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