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Blaring lights and music that could well and truly burst your eardrums. That right, Harry was at the club. And to be more specific; he was at the club with another girls body, dancing and grinding with his. Of course he was drunk and of course so was his friends. But that has never stopped harry before and it certainly didn't stop his friends from whopping out their phones to film what was happing to the upload onto snapchat.

As it was 11pm in the UK the time in Thailand was 5am, Ruby was still yet to sleep. Her Tuesday night didn't consist of much, she watched all episodes of the new series on Netflix called Atypical she loved the show already from just one season. But once that was all over she headed to her social medias before she forced her self to sleep.

She read through more comments on her last instagram post and replying to a few of them.

Afterwards she headed to Snapchat realising she had a few snaps from her friends that she never answered back because she was so engulfed into the show.

She went over to watch some stories; some being of youtubers she enjoyed to watch or her friends having a good time, especially a certain 'friend'.

She first came across Joel's story and it was of Harry and Callum doing shots, she didn't think much of it because they went out often, getting drunk.

And then she saw Mcginley's. Of Harry, of course. It showed Harry and another blonde girl exiting the club, hand in hand. She screenshotted it just incase Harry tried to decline this, she would of had proof. She wanted to message him then and there but this could just be a miss understanding, Harry and Ruby have been dating for almost 4 years now. He couldn't hurt her like that, could he?

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