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Dear Harry,

I'm leaving, honestly it's for the best. I cannot continue with being in a relationship where I'm only being loved if the other is drunk. That's not me and that's certainly not you; or well the you I want to be with.

Last night you were drunk; you showed me love and affection but during the day when you was sober, it was just like I was a stranger. And that hurts, it hurts to know that my own boyfriend doesn't know how to love me when he's sober. You don't know how to love me when you're sober, there's no denying it. When the bottles done you pull me closer, and the little me that is so naive doesn't stop it from continuing because I think maybe just maybe it'll be different this time.

Clearly not.

I don't know if you ever realised but Callum posted a video of you and another girl kissing, the time when you was at the club and I was in Thailand. I don't know if it was a first or not but either way it doesn't stop from what you did to me. To us.

Every morning I wake up in your bed because we had plans the night before; but I didn't want to go home until you was back, safe. You see Harry you wouldn't do the same for me, would you?

Remember that night, a few months back, when I confronted you about this all. You came home drunk, showing me the only love and affection I ever seem to get (when you're drunk) I asked you why don't you ever love me when you're sober and you just huffed. I told you to come back to me when you're sober and when you actually love me. Or don't come back at all. And then I walked out on you. I left you. I was done with you. Or so I thought. Days later you came running to my door begging for another chance, and me being me I gave you that second chance. One too many times I might I add. I said to you that cold morning that this was your only chance to make things right again and now look at us.

Three months later you've cheated on me with a beautiful blonde girl whist I was on holiday, bet you thought I didn't know about that, hey. But I did I saw it a minuet after Callum had posted it onto his snapchat story. And it that wasn't enough, there had been an article made about all of this. Siding with the blonde and not me. All the comments saying rude/disgusting things about me. I only ever really saw two nice comments about me, but that whole article still made me feel like crap. I honestly don't know what to say to you anymore. I don't have the guts to say all of this face to face because we both know that I wouldn't be able to do it. This is not a healthy relationship. So I am therefore done. I am done with this relationship, please do not call or text me because I will simply not reply.

I want to be sorry but this isn't my fault, nothing was. As bias as that sounds it's the truth. I gave you my everything; my heart and my soul and all I got in return was harsh backlash. I want to be with someone that makes me happy, someone who loves me, that shouldn't be hard. I want to grow old with someone, have children (eventually). But I just cannot with you.


      Ruby Clark

Ruby put the letter through the letter box of which Harry lived at and then turned and walked away, in hopes of never crossing paths with him again.



P.s If you wanted to listen to the song in the media skip to 1:40

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