Chapter One

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Three Hundred Years ago

The war had already unleashed. It was fast, haste and by instinct. Claws thrown, blood spilt and flesh gutted. Months of developing jealousy and anguish between the brother packs had resulted in this climax. It was only a matter of time. The fight for more food, more land and more power had gotten into these wolves, they were no ways there could be a communist faction with all being equal. The moon had reinforced the sense of hierarchy with the input of alphas, betas and all civil wolves only to be rejected by the brother pack. A sin. At first, the idea of all equality and fairness between the Crescent Moon pack, Full Moon pack, Eclipse pack and Blood Moon pack to form the almighty brother pack had been a success. Resources were shared, the land was rationed well and connections were born.

The revolution of erasing all forms of the hierarchy had empowered all wolves. The defeat of persistent alphas and loyal betas was committed. These packs had had enough of nature's rightful intentions. The tradition gifted by the moon was tarnished and war was inevitable. It was only a matter of time where the werewolf instincts kicked in and overpowered the human emotions and caused the riot marked into history. 

The war was the moon's punishment. She delivered the finest torture onto males, females and pups with no remorse but anger for not being obeyed correctly. Hierarchy in wolf life is crucial and anyone who gets in the way would be severed.

Now, the splitting of the brother pack had returned to the four main packs. Alphas had been rebirthed into their designated positions and inequality was at its peak. Hierarchy strummed into each pack but resources were at a low for many. Every so often would conflict rise again, killing both the innocent and the criminals.Mates were eternally separated, no way to meet with such disintegration, decreasing the number of wolves in population and filling it with more pups born with disabilities due to false mates. It was clear that the now prominent division had caused a plummet in the survival of each pack, therefore, peace was needed. A need for the packs to rekindle and reconnect was made.

A peace treaty was reinforced by the Alphas, they agreed to work in harmony and ensure the safety of all wolves. The treaty simply echoed the values of the Moon Goddess. Unfortunately, most significant and paramount events do not go as planned. The Blood Moon Alpha, the most ferocious and blood thirsty of them all disagreed with the peace treaty. Of course, as an Alpha with a constant thirst for blood, he was unhappy with the alliance which vowed to end bloodshed, something he thrived towards. The peace treaty endorsed and covenanted the distribution of funds, resources and most importantly, land. However, the Blood Moon Alpha's selfish and narcissistic attitude prevented him from signing his name on the cream document, with blood of course. 

The document had a deep burgundy lining with paragraphs written in gold calligraphy with a small gap at the end where he would have signed. Yet his tainted, black soul prevented him from committing any good. Like a reckless individual, he threw the contents into his living room fire. The fire cackled menacingly and engulfed the gold and cream document in flames. His unshakable and tenacious approach to peace was unsettling.

His callous and insensitive sentiment towards the peace treaty was absolutely absurd. He was a preposterous and ludicrous alpha. He did not deserve his position after his denial of signing the treaty which promised peace amidst the packs. His disagreement towards peace and unity was a direct insult to the moon goddess who gifted alphas to be role models and to harness and spread good across the land. His malicious and nefarious personality was a contrast to the other Alpha's who were understanding and benevolent. It was certain that he would be punished for his misdeeds.

The other Alphas, who signed the treaty knew that the Blood Moon Alpha would not. Yet they waited, like the generous role models they were, expecting the blood thirsty alpha to show up and ask for forgiveness and sign the treaty. But hours turned into days and days turned into weeks. The alphas announced that it was enough, the ruthless alpha must be executed for his crimes against all peace, unity, equality and the moon goddess her self. His sin could not be repented.

After 3 weeks, he was executed on his own land, some pack members scurried off, like ants on a hot day. His only son disappeared, later to be presumed dead. His death was announced to all the packs, many rejoiced that the homicidal alpha was finally dead. Many fled and formed rebellions causing conflict with the packs for many decades. A lesson was learnt, one must not go against the Moon's gifted position of being an alpha. They must preserve peace in their hearts and amongst fellow wolves too.

 Soon after, a new alpha was appointed to the Blood Moon pack, his sons and their sons ruled the Pack, and advocated peace. Due to the previous Blood Moon Alpha's habits and unnerving nature, the packs decided to not sign the peace treaty but vowed to promote peace. The peace treaty was kept safe in a hidden location only to be found thirty decades later. It was untouched and wrapped around a thick metal chain which had to be cut by the thickest of blades or the sharpest talons of wolves.

Three hundred years later, now...

The air croaks with uncertainty and risk with three of four alphas present in the boarding room with intentions of negotiating every aspect of their survival and existence. After decades of division and disintegration, only now is resolution being summoned. Of course, the internal and subconscious fight for dominance makes itself known in the coarsely, thick air. 

Today was a day to be marked in history, etched into the books of pups in education and noted in detail by all officials for it was a day intended to change the lives of wolves forever, through reconciliation. It was planned that all four packs who were once brothers, gifted with a strong bond of steel but then severed, cut curtly by selfishness and jealousy, only to be brought back together after thirty decades, to work in harmony and provide the best resources for the many, and not the few and to return peaceful ways of working together but not erasing all power and joining like they had once attempted to before, a mistake.

It was mentioned that only three of the four alphas were present, it was, of course, that alpha, the alpha of harshness and brutality that had decided that his own pace was far more important than punctuality reinforced by those who he thinks are below him. He rushes for no one...


Hi guys! How did you find the first chapter???? There's a lot of suspense isn't there? Don't worry the next chapter should be up in a few days so you'll know who the fourth Alpha is.

Thank you for reading,


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