Chapter Three

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A dominant howl echoed through my brothers territory, shaking my shoulders. My knees buckled and I almost gave in and submitted to the wolf's mighty growl. Seconds later, hard, solid doors are pushed back with claws of great sharpness. They make their presence known. The opening doors reveal human forms of once thickly coated wolves. Tan skin and brown hair dominates the scene, an army of southerners with genes inherited with art. They stand together, an army, a force, a military. My eyes don't know where to look or take in. I am overwhelmed with the strong presence and statement made merely by appearance.

Gradually, the army shift from the centre to allow him to come through. Immediately, my focus blurs. My eyes water and I begin to shake. It's him. The one with immense strength and stealth that holds my breath. I peer onto him, greedily drinking in his beautiful body. Toe to top. Hard, black boots hammer into our floors causing vibrations amongst us. Well-fitted cargos cover his skin from my willing eyes along with a black T-shirt until the top of a strong beard comes in view.

I gulped, hungrily, at his strong jawline which was clenched tightly due to anger I presume. The rumours said that the Alpha was never calm, always furious. I continued to gaze intensely at his heavenly face. His cheekbones glistened brightly against the light that encircled the room. His face was carved from the angels themselves, yet he acted anything but, instead like the devil himself. When my penetrating gaze reached his eyes, I felt as my heart stopped beating. I gasped at the intensity of his silver glare towards myself. His moon blessed eyes were enriched with silver vines around his deep dark pupil. His tenacious stare struck deep into my own, gold infusing with silver. Our pupils dilated in unison as a word blared across my mind, mate...

Judging from his profound wide stare, he was not expecting to find a mate or find me at all. It seems as if he was not searching for me. Abruptly, he ripped his scrutinising stare away from my eyes, creating a sudden shift around the room and intensifying the already tense air. He continued to wander down the room until he reached his designated seat, which he rested on gracefully, like a King, a true Alpha. He completely disregarded my presence making my wolf whine with hurt and pain. The bond wavered, clenching against my heart, making me feel even more constricted. My throat clogged up with a whimper yet I refused to release it; I could not let this ignorant male cause such devastation and suffering to my heart. Composing myself, I swallowed my tears and my cries and acted as if nothing occurred, I would not let this dominant male inflict emotional pain on me.

It staggered me that I was in pain whilst no one else in the room could realise. I was suffering in silence. So this is who I am mates with. Alpha Theron of the Blood Moon pack.

"Well." His deep, masculine voice erupted in the air causing my wolf's ears to perk up.

"Let us begin, shall we?" He almost mocks, as if he hosted this treaty.

My brother recovers from shock and clears his throat.

"We were suppose to begin half an hour ago. I trust you may have had a few accidents along the way." He speaks condescendingly.

"No. No accident." the Alpha smiles wickedly.

He and his beta sit comfortably while my brother gritted his teeth in restraint from causing and uproar. We all sit in discomfort whilst my brother laid out the documents in front of all Alpha's and Beta's and Luna's.

"It has been a calling. We as wolves, have suffered enough with lack of land, resources and correct mates. It is only right we reconcile and join together but of course, without making the previous and grave mistake of abolishing alphas, betas and all other forms of hierarchy and power. That is why-"

"I was thinking the same." Alpha Theron held a sadistic smile etched into his beautifully carved face.

"Of course, no group can survive without a leader and superiors. But also, having too many is just as grave. Which is why only one of us will be taken to lead while the rest are reassigned to their rightful places." My head snaps up, questioning what was just said.

Gasps are heard from every corner of the room. Each Luna holds the same fearful expression of the potential loss of their position. He didn't just suggest abolishing all but one Alpha?

I hesitate whether or not to retort a snide remark about his ludicrous idea. How dare he question all the alpha's authority. Not only did he offend the ruling of each alpha, he also intiated that they were incapable of solving a severe matter like this. My eyebrows furrowed tightly as I glared fiercely at his cunning face. How dare he enter my brother's territory which we have built, supported and provided for many years only to question his position as an Alpha. His idea was absolutely stupefied.

Immediately after he spoke those deadly words, the other Alpha's growled vehemently at his smirking and smug face.

"How dare you question our authority?" Alpha Dorian snarled emphatically, speaking my thoughts at the blood moon alpha.

"Your idea is half witted and wrong, you savage!" Alpha Adonis retorted, earning a powerful roar from Alpha Theron.

Tyrian silenced the Alpha's constant growling by snarling vociferously at each of the alphas, even the Blood Moon one.

"Alpha Theron, with all due respect, why do you present such an idea? What will you gain from having a single leader?"

Tyrian demanded powerfully, angered by the Blood Moon Alpha's daring and fearless nature which sparked nothing but disturbance and disorder amongst the meeting room.

He picks up an ice cube from a jug and begins rolling it underneath his fingertips.
"It's inevitable and you know it. In no way would I ever work with Alphas weaker than I. That's the only way we can strive as a... Brotherhood, as you'd like you'd like you call it." He laughs.

The other Alphas shift uncomfortably with grimaces on face.

"The only thing that you can decide, is whether you give in willingly, or I force you to submit with pain and blood shed from your Luna's, pups, civilians and all. Your choice." He continues rolling the ice, somehow keeping it intact with no liquid forming beneath his fingertips, proving how cold and merciless he could be both mentally and physically.

My brother is first to speak. "There is no way any of us will be backing down, of course, we are aware of your.. History in violence but this is not happening. We have all come here with efforts of achieving the greater good and you will not knuckle us down into submission. That's fine, let your pack of savages suffer. We want nothing to do with you!" His voice echoes in the air making a statement.

He chuckles sadistically. No remorse, no fear. The still, intact and non-melting ice is placed carefully on the table before Alpha Theron softly pressed hard into it with a single finger. It crushes completely. With barely any force or effort.

Chills climb onto my skin and I look at the terror written on everyone's face, all except my brothers.

"That is not an option. You will all submit regardless of your hopes and desires of remaining weak alphas" He grins, completely ignoring my brother's verbal assault.

Alpha Adonis shoots up and charges.

It was quick, haste and full of skill. Theron easily slashes his throat in a heartbeat leaving him a corpse on the ground, lifeless. Gasps are repeated and my heart drops. Fear and panic causes us all to stand still in grief and shock.

Without another warning, Theron drives daggers from his armour into Beta Darius and pregnant Luna Kyra.

"NO!" I scream and run toward the once kind and welcoming family whilst tears sweep onto my face.

Tyrian attempts to grab hold of me but only manages to catch my cardigan within his fingers leaving me bare in my sleeveless, white cotton dress.

I crouch down onto the bleeding Luna feeling her pregnant stomach and cry with mournful tears for the innocent future inside that was supposed to live.

"Let this be a warning to you all! Submit at your will or be forced to! These packs are mine now and she" he grabs a hold of my arm and drags me up with force. "Is MINE."


Hi Guys, we will be updating very soon. We hope you enjoyed this chapter! X



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