Chapter Eight

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Our informative conversation lasted briefly until a blaring noise erupted in the silence, ruining the quiet peace we had preserved. I watched Theron as he quickly ripped his phone out of his deep pockets, answering the call immediately.

"What is it?" He spoke in a hushed tone and walked rapidly towards the car. I almost stood up to accompany him, mostly because I was curious. 

"Beta I am asking you to take control of the situation. I will be reaching the pack momentarily." He said with a sigh, his concerned thoughts masked with a stern expression on his face. He shut the phone subsequently, burying it in his pockets before marching towards me.

"We have to go, there is a lot of things we need to do. Get in the car." He says before extinguishing the fire with a blanket he must have obtained from the car. He then walks over to his side of the car and slams the door shut. I instantly gather all my belongings not wanting to perturb or displease his already aggravated self. As I stepped into the car, I was greeted with his stern gaze.

"Get some rest." He said with such finality and command, as an Alpha-Blood, I almost withered at his order.

"Okay." I gulped slighly, submitting to the male, to prevent any unfortunate events such as unnecessary arguments from occuring. From the looks of it, this 'situation' must be severe, and I'd be a terrible Luna if I prolonged the journey any further.

As if on command, my tiresome body rested amongst Theron's cold leather seats. Nothing but his warm aura and the blanket and sweater he had given me keeping me warm. I let sleep overpower my senses as I let them rest briefly and I fell into an abyss like death. Darkness overcame my sight as I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding.


Hundreds of individuals muttering woke me up, the quiet mussitation jolted me awake. My sudden movement caused something to tighten around my body. I fixated my gaze only to notice a heavy arm wrapped around my lower back, and a toned chest where I had rested my head on. My greedy eyes traveled up to the person's face which I recognised as my mate, Theron.

"Where are you taking me?" I ask, my voice hoarse and husky due to waking from a deep sleep.

"Our room, where you will get dressed immediately. I am going to show you the territory so you can adjust to your surroundings." I wince when he emphasizes 'Our'. Nonetheless, I agree to his command and nod, I am obligated to do such if I am going to be a Luna.

He opens an incredibly large door where a massive room lie and places me gently on the ground. My feet collide with the cold laminated floor as my eyes fixate on the enormous bed in front of me, my pupils widening as inappropriate thoughts encompass my mind. A pile of clothes on the edge of the bed stops the thoughts from entering my mind any further.

I walk towards it and examine the fabric. The soft cotton blouse caresses my fingers as I begin to unfold it. A flowery pattern enters my vision, red roses my favourite. A pair of denim jeans sit comfortably, under the top, folded neatly. I grab them immediately and turn around, at the figure who was watching me intently. 

"Get ready, I will be waiting for you in the study." He says sternly before I could open my mouth to reply. Yet, he stops me with words of his own, strolling past me and into another room deep into the maze that was his chambers. 

Quietly and obediently, I change my attire with the clothes he had obtained for me, smiling slightly at the thought of how he had known, red roses were my favourite.


An incredibly large four story building and an opened, massive, glass door envelops my vision. I manage to squint my eyes and take a peak at the spacious room which consisted of broad bodies and some short ones, panting, sweating, training. I allow my eyes to wander towards the walls where a line of treadmills and weights stood untouched, yet. 

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