8. All Eyes On Me

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This time, I don't wait for Laurens to contact me. I see him standing with Lafayette and Mulligan and decide to go for it. I walk right up to him and bump him gently, just like he did to me, and slide both cards inside his shirt.

For a moment, no one says anything. Then Lafayette breaks into deranged laughter, doubling over, wheezing. The rest of us just watch him in stunned silence, watch him struggle for breath. He's fucking insane, I realize, and that fact alone sets me off, sending me into hysterics right along with the Frenchman. Laurens cracks, too, and then there's three of us, all similarly handicapped, with Mulligan staring at us incredulously.

"What the fuck?'' he asks, once we've stopped sobbing with laughter, absolutely baffled.

None of us are able to answer him, just take a few minutes to regulate our breathing. Finally, Lafayette gets a grip enough to speak. "Ham here... you know what? It does not matter. Let's take a look at that card, shall we?"

Laurens reaches into his clothes and pulls them out. "This is the original," he says, passing it to Mulligan, "and here's the copy."

Lafayette grabs the forgery to inspect it. For a solid three minutes, he inspects it, occasionally murmuring in French and comparing it to the one Mulligan's holding. After his inspection, he claps me on the back. "It is hardly professional, mon ami, but it will do."

Glory fucking hallelujah!

It's like an enormous weight has been lifted from my chest, and I can finally relax. I've passed the test.

Mulligan comes closer, closing the gaps in the circle, making it tighter. From his pocket, he produces a map, crumpled and stained. I wonder if this, too, belonged to the unfortunate George King. I seriously hope not.

Quietly, he says, "These are the searchlights

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Quietly, he says, "These are the searchlights. We need to be careful where we step, or else they'll see us, and the entire thing is blown, okay?" We all nod in understanding, and he continues. "This is where the guard rotation comes into play. Remember? Fifty-three steps between Point A and B? Nine and a half minutes until another guard comes along?"

Again, we nod. "Point A is here," he says, placing his finger on a spot on the map. "The lights don't cover this area. They also don't cover right here, Point B. But, the lights hit right here, on the fifty-fourth step. If anyone takes one too many steps, we're dead."

Okay, no pressure.

"Lafayette, you keep the key," Mulligan orders, and the Frenchman nods, tucking the card into his shoe, right flat along the sole. "Laurens, plant the original on Charles Lee over there. He's too nosy; he's been watching us the entire time. Hamilton?"

At the sound of my name, I jump slightly. "Yes, sir?"

He smiles at that, a twisted and sadistic smile. "You've done well. Keep an eye on your cellie, Burr. Something tells me he's going to sabotage. Did he know about the keycard?"

I shake my head. "He was out. He's part of the workforce."

This news pleases Mulligan. "Good. I'll keep you posted for future assignments. You're clever, Hamilton, and that makes you useful."

I pretend like that statement doesn't make my hairs stand on edge.

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