Overnights and early mornings

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When the daylight finally breaks, after a long, dark night, it would be assumed that I would welcome it, but not usually. I work third shift in a gas station, and daylight just means I have to head out to high school, because the state cannot be brought into my life when technically I don't exsist. I shouldn't be allowed to work full time 10pm to 6am either since I'm still under age, but a few fake documents and here I am. Luckily for me, my father used the same technique for making my first set of fake documents to make ones so that I could work, as long as I didn't run directly to the police about my home life.

My name is Sang Sorenson, and this is my story, I am 16 years old, 17 in a month, a senior at Ashley Waters High School, where I try my very best to remain a ghost. Smart students are usually beaten up, badly, at my school. Delinquents are a dime a dozen, and half my graduating class has dropped out due to teenage pregnancies, jail time, or death. My older sister Marie has two children, both girls, we'll I guess you can say I have two daughters, since Marie died of a drug overdose last year.

I've been trying to raise my daughters to the best of my abilities, my father gives me enough money for a babysitter for the girls while I am at work during the night, and daycare for when I am at school during the day. Since Marie had the babies at home it was easy enough to take them to the nearest hospital and claim them as mine for their birth certificates and social security cards. Marie went out 2 nights after the girls were born and never came back, her body was found behind a dumpster 2 weeks later, at least she was clean during her pregnancy, so the babies are both healthy and drug free.

I have no clue who the father of the babies is, apparently Marie had been sleeping with multiple men for money at the time, I only know this because I found her diary after she had died. And according to our mother, her death, the drugs, the babies, all my fault, because I lead my sister to be a whore. Ah, yes, this is where the secrets my father wants to keep come in, my mother is in all actuality my step mother, my father raped a cousin, who at the time was only 15, she had me shortly after turning 16, and then she killed herself. I went for years being bullied and abused by my step mother, for the sins of my father, until I knew the real reasons behind her violence and hate.

I gave my daughters names that were strong, and middle names that reminded me of my favorite things: Athena Rose, and Minerva Skye, everything I do, all the pain, lack of sleep, working thirds, staying under the radar, it's all for them.

My senior year of high school is beginning next week, and I have banked as much money as I could working over time, having day care during the day really helped, I have a carefully plotted out budget for clothes, food, personal items, diapers, and formula for the year. Being able to live with my step mother, no matter how much she abuses me, helps me to have enough money to support the girls. And even in her most manic state she never does anything negative towards the babies, because they are Marie's. I'm very grateful that the girls are safe, even from her, and for whatever small help I can get from the places I have received it. My father has another family, a "wife" and 2 step sons, they don't have a clue about his first family, my step mother hired a private detective to find out the information and now my father pays the bills, and keeps his mouth shut because he doesn't want his new family to know about his dark little secrets.

My step mother still abuses me, it's never stopped, most nights before work I am in trouble for some slight misgiving that she finds, I have one more year of this before I can leave with my girls legally. One more year of beatings, of horrible mixtures that make it almost impossible for me to talk, or kneeling on rice, one more year, and then I'm free. All I have to do is keep my head down at school, work, get my homework done and take care of my daughters and I'll be done with this half life.  I'm scared of the future, because of my current situation, but I look forward to finding a place where I will finally belong. A place to feel safe, keep my children safe, a place to call home for once in my life, it's my pot of gold at the end of this monochromatic rainbow.

Authors note:

I changed things, I will add things, this may end up being mature, for violence or sex, I don't know. Depends on where my plot takes me. Sang isn't going to be a pushover, she will try and stay invisible, but she's not going to be the same meek girl she is in the books.

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