The smell of Chlorine

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Walking home from the bus stop the next morning was slowly becoming interesting.  Kota lived on one side of her, and she could feel his eyes on her. But she could smell a pool, and she knew it was from the boy down the road a little ways.  They may not have been paying attention to her, but she paid attention to them. Large groups of men made her take notice. The pool was just something she wished she could use. Her and the girls both, they loved water and she would've loved to take them somewhere to play, but she didnt have the resources, the bus didnt get off at any pools or parks, it was strictly business here.  So the boys gathering in two places fairly close to her home made her notice.

If only because of what her step mother had drilled into her head, men only want one thing, men are horrible creatures who will take advantage of young girls. The words the punishments all roamed her head making it so she couldn't trust. She couldn't trust women because of the abuse by her step mom, and she couldn't trust men for obvious reasons.  Look what happened to her mom, or her sister, used and thrown to the side to die alone.

She still wished she could use the pool for the girls at the very least.
Walking past the fenced in yard, she heard splashing and then,
"Hey you! Come here a second."

The voice was deep and calm, and without her permission she found her feet going towards the boy on the other side of the fence. He was at least 6'3" with deep dark red hair, and muscles on muscles, the kid worked out a lot.  "Do you always scream at people on the street, or am I special?" Her tone was icy, but she hadnt slept yet, she worked all night, and she wanted that pool, who knew all of that made for an icy tone in the morning.

"No I dont, but I'm having a pool party with me and my friends before the beginning of school and I was wondering if you would like to come, its friday? My name is nathan by the way." He held out his large hand to her and she shook it, "Sang." She answered him.

"Why in the world would you invite me to a pool party, you dont even know me."

"I know we both live on this street, I know I've seen you with 2 small people, and you can bring them if you want. It wont be a crazy party you all would be safe." At the word safe Sang looked at him strangely, but he carried on with the word vomit. "And there will be food, so you dont have to worry about dinner!" Nathan's big green eyes made it seem like he was being open and honest, she didnt see any deception in them. Which is the only way to explain what happened next,

"Ok, but I'm bringing the girls and if anyone is the slightest bit inappropriate we are leaving."

"Wont happen, but ok." His smile was huge, as he said, "See you at around 3, friday?" Smiling again he backed away from the fence with a thumbs up and laughter.
Sang couldn't figure out what would make him that happy this early in the morning but to hell with it. The girls were gonna swim in a pool!

Sang smiled the rest of the way home, until she ran into her step mom. "I saw you out there whore, talking to that man. No matter how I try you cant stay away." Her  step mom already had rice waiting for her to kneel in. And as she did her punishment and got no sleep before having to pick up the kids she smiled, because her mom wasnt right this time, she just knew it.

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