Sugar and pranks

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The girls looked adorable in their little bug bathing suits, Minnie a ladybug, and Thea a bumble bee. Sang had liberally applied sun screen to the kids and made sure to have changes of clothes, bottles, diapers and wipes, binkies, and bags with snacks that they could eat in case there wasnt 9 month friendly food at Nathan's.

Nathan, and his friends, sitting on the edge of the bed Sang had a mini panic attack about all the men she would be around today.
Standing up she shook her whole body out and said in a forceful tone, "I will not be used and discarded by these men. These men are just friends." Believing her own bullshit, she felt confident in going.

She was dressed in a one piece bright red bathing suit, which unfortunately accented her curves and pushed her ass up and out and her boobs too. If she had been a normal teenager she bet she would like how it made her look, but as herself she was worried that they would see her and want more. Putting on cutoff jean shorts and a pink tshirt she turned and picked up the diaper bag and then the children. One child on each hip and the diaper bag across her body resting at just under Thea's butt.

The walk to nathan's was short, almost too short she needed the walk to talk herself into going. Once she was at the door, raising her hand to knock she had second thoughts. What if the babies got hurt, or she did, she did not know these men. What was she thinking?! "Sang, don't tell anyone you've seen me." Luke yelled as he ran by the door after throwing it open. Leaving her in an open doorway. Stepping inside she felt a panic attack happening and she had to hold the babies a little closer to steam off the feeling.

She didn't put the babies down, or call out. She just carried them into the house, and took deep even breaths. She couldn't talk really, her voice croaky and rough, she had no reason why, what would she do when they asked? This was stupid, she started to turn to leave when a voice shouted behind her,
"Oi, fucker when I catch you you're in trouble!" Looking down at a paper in his hands he almost ran into her, but stopped at the last minute, barely grazing her front. "Oh, you must be Sang, sorry about that, Luke needs to be killed though. He's evil and must be dealt with." Dramatically stabbing his finger into the air, and nodding his head like it was decided, Luke must die, he turned to follow where Luke had run but seemed to think better on it. "Ya know what," and evil grin took over his handsome face, his crystal blue eyes shining with mirth, " I'm just gonna tell North, let him kill him."

Laughing until a body landed on him, tackled to the ground.
"Don't you dare Gabe, he'll kill me and help Uncle look for me after. Don't you love me? Your best friend?"
"No fucker, you signed me up for boot camp! I am going to kill you!"
"Come on Gabe, I signed everyone up for boot camp, it will be fun!"
"Ima kill him!" Screaming a war cry the two boys started wrestling on the ground only to be pulled apart by a large and looming North.
"What did you do this time Luke?"
"Rude! How could you take his side? You're my brother!"
"Yes, and I know you. So what did you do?" Sang stood by with her mouth open, the girls watched the boys with rapt attention, never having been so close to so many men up close.
Gabe was shorter the the other boys, and slimmer but in shape. He had chestnut brown hair, and 2 golden chunks in the front pushed behind his ears. He wore multiple rings and had his ears pierced and then he seemed to notice Sang again. His cheeks got pink and then he was squirming away from North with, "he signed us up for boot camp this weekend." Luke's face fell as he started to whine at Gabe,
"How could you, rat me out like that?"
"What did you do Luke?!" The booming yell that North let out started Minnie and she started to cry, and all 3 boys finally seemed to notice her and the kids.

A slight pink could be seen on North's cheeks from making the baby cry. He looked around with a panicked sorry and then drug his victim from the room. Leaving Sang to sooth the crying baby with the new boy.
"You are absolutely gorgeous, all 3 of you, what are their names?" Sang felt more at ease talking about the kiddos then herself so she began to calm down as she spoke to him about the girls. "Minnie," she said with a head nod to the baby, and "Thea." Gabe nodded his head and with a flourish bowed and said,
"Well I am Gabriel, and these little bugs look like they want to play in the pool, come on." And with that he was off. Taking a deep breath Sang took another step into the house and then followed him out the sliding glass door in the back.
The pool had guys in it goofing around and some beside the pool, she knew everyone so far, and wasn't sure if more people were coming or not. Heading to a deck chair she set the babies and bag down and processed to attempt to smile and wave at the other boys.

She felt uncomfortable, this was such a stupid idea. And then a blond blur went into the pool, fully dressed followed by howls of, "North how could you!" And laughter from the others, "You signed us up for bootcamp this weekend! You're lucky that's all I do!" The other boys stopped midlaughter to glare at Luke. Who smiled sheepishly and shrugged.

Rolling his eyes Kota came over and sat on the chair next to Sang's, "Hello again neighbor, how are you?" Sang smiled at him and shrugged. Kota's face fell, and he leaned forward slightly. "I am sorry about Max, if you are still angry I can go?" He looked so worried that Sang really didn't understand why he would say that, until he told her. "You won't talk to me, silent treatment usually means mad, at least where my little sister is concerned."

Sang frowned, he seemed to care if she was upset with him or not. And she didn't know what to do.
Shaking her head she lied with something easy. "I have a sore throat, not mad." The words hurt and were raspy, and low, but he was close enough to hear her.
He studied her face for a few heartbeats and then nodded his head. Sang made the introductions of the girls to the rest of the boys and then everyone set about swimming in the pool. The girls had started to get fussy when the guys told her that Victor would be here shortly with lunch, which was good because the girls were starving. Sang had so much fun playing with the girls in the pool that she was surprised to be hungry herself. Maybe she could let people into their lives? Maybe not everyone was bad?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2021 ⏰

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