The smell of ocean

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The walk home after work is peaceful, it helps that it's only 3 blocks from the house so it's not a long walk. When I get home I quickly take a bath, because showers scare me after one of my mom's longer punishments, i wash, and shave quickly, brush my teeth, brush my hair, wash and mostiurize my face, and lotion up my body, change into soft pink pj pants, and a white tank top, and go to bed. Falling asleep quickly due to exhaustion I sleep until 8:45 and then get up to go get the girls from the elderly neighbor who watches them.

Sliding on faded jeans that look almost white, with holes at the knee, a pair of flip flops, and a pink tank top I head out, the neighbor, Mrs Jones is only 3 houses down from our house, so it's a short trip down the street to pick up the babies. I knock on the door and wait for the answer, the sun comes out from behind a cloud and blinds me momentarily, and the door swings open. I know right away something is different, the smell is wrong, not bad just not how Mrs Jones smells. The scent of ocean washes over me, and then a slightly accented voice calls out from the doorway,
"Hello, aggele, are you here for Mrs Jones?"
"Hi, I'm here to pick up the girls." Realizing how stupid I sound, and the fact that I could be talking about anyone, because I gave no names, cursing my inability to speak to people in normal settings.
"Girls? I'm Silas, I'm replacing a few pipes for Mrs Jones today, she's in the kitchen." The sun finally goes behind a cloud and I get my first glimpse of him, a boy probably around my age, but huge, taller then my 5'4" by at least a foot, probably more, with dark brown hair, and eyes and tan skin. Not an ounce of fat on him, all muscle, he's very handsome, and I'm momentarily stunned, luckily he turns his back on me and I walk into the house closing the door, heading for the kitchen .
"Oh, sang, you're right on time, the girls are in the playpen in the living room, they were little angels last night, how was work, dear?" Mrs Jones always says the girls were angles the night before, she loves having the girls around, and luckily for me she's cheap and spry for her age, so I have no worries with the girls safety while I work.
"Work was fine Mrs Jones, school starts next week, and I'll be here at 6:45 to get them, instead of 8:45." The giant, Silas, is under the kitchen sink messing with the plumbing when Athena voices her unhappiness at being ignored for so long, she is the more outspoken of the 2, even though they are both very calm babies.
"Ah, my presence is requested in the living room." Laughing I go to get my baby girls, so focused on picking up the girls and cuddling I didn't even notice the quiet giant following me until he spoke.
"They're beautiful, what are their names?" Looking up from the babies, and the cuddles I was giving I smile, he makes me feel comfortable and safe, and his deep voice is soothing.
"This is Minnie, and this is Thea," kissing each soft downy head as I say their names brings a smile to Silas' face, when Minnie grabs a lock of my hair and rubs her fingers on it I know it is time to get home and put them down for a nap. "We've got to be going, it's nap time, or they will be as grouchy as furies, and trust me no one wants that." Silas laughs very hard at my joke, I can't tell if he means it or if he is laughing at me, some times, the fact that I don't understand people is really a burden. "It was nice to meet you, have a good day." I quickly grab the girls things and leave with a quick goodbye to Mrs Jones.
"So boy, did I tell you or no? She's very pretty, and smart, I'm tired of seeing her work herself to death, and all the bruises she hides, will you take it to your team?" Mrs Jones looks at Silas shrewdly and waits for an answer, already knowing that this giant teddy bear would never let her down when it came to a single mother with 2 babies. "She tell you their full names?" Silas shakes his head at the older woman with a confused look, "Athena Rose, and Minerva Skye, I can't get her to open up, she won't take any help, besides watching the girls, and she pays me for it, I've put all the money in a bank account for her, I don't need it, she does. She gave her daughters warrior names, she needs help, will you talk to your team?" Silas paused for a beat, but only because his heart was aching, for the tiny blond angel, and the even tinier baby angels of hers, he wanted to protect them from all the world's cruelness, and that was because of the sadness in those bright green eyes of hers.
"I will bring her up at the next family meeting, she lives very close to Kota and Nate, so we can at least help watch some babies between all of us." Mrs Jones sighed, some of the burden of worry would be lifted from her, because ever since she met Sang she'd known she needed help, now how to get her to accept it?

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