James' POV
After four hours of working and not getting any results. We all were exhausted as well as disappointed.
"Okay guys. We'll try tomorrow again" I said dejected.
Damn we couldn't. Its all my fault.
"Let's go guys." I said.
We all left the compound. We all live together in the mansion. My dad gave it to us, I mean I can do this much for them coz they all have left their home for me. Mukund is Indian and he's working for me here in Manhattan so I think that if I can do something for them then I should.
"Hey Ash you ready for a bout?" I asked.
"Always." She answered
"Hey Mukund call us for the dinner when its ready." I said as we entered the mansion.
"Sure" he said.
We all dispersed to our respective rooms. I reached my room and stood at the door for a moment with my head held down. Then I opened the door and walked inside. I changed into my white vest and my red shorts.
I then left my room and went off to the gym. I opened the door of the gym. I walked inside the gym and started wearing my hand bandages.
The door of gym was opened and I could see Ash coming towards me.
I picked up my fighter gloves and entered the ring. I wore the gloves standing in my corner.
Ash entered the ring. She took her fighting stance.
"Ready?" She asked me.
"Yep" I replied.
I took a step forward and I couldn't understand why she jumped until her flying roundhouse kick landed on my face and I lost my balance but I rested on the ropes.
I shook my head to do away the after-effects of the kick.
"You're holding your punches back" Ash said and pouted.
"Did you give me time to start with my punches?" I said.
"You said you were ready, didn't you?"
"Okay now I'm ready."
"You sure?"
"You wanna start or not?"
"Oh whatever....... enough talks"
I took my southpaw fighting stance. She ducks and throws a sweep kick but I lift my right leg up in my defense. She quickly gets up and launches a right jab on my face but I parry it with my left hand. I throw a left jab which she dodges by ducking to my right side and this was a mistake for her as I catch her with a right uppercut. She groans a bit then launches an axe kick that lands on the back of my neck. I lose my balance
"Darn you girl"
I close in towards her and start charging her with a combo of random punches. Jab jab hook, uppercut jab hook, jab jab jab, hook jab uppercut. She blocks the first 3 punches but then she rebounds from the ropes and then pushes me backwards. I jump in the air in order to catch her with a superman punch. She jumps and dropkicks me in the gut. We both fall on the ground. She quickly rushes towards my head and grapples me in a head lock. Now she is in control. Her grip on my head is getting tight and it pains a lot. Damn she is strong. I wrap my hands around her waist while she is sitting and I am lying on the floor with my back in the opposite direction of mat.
I try to get up and she tries her best not to let me. Now I am on my knees. I tighten my grip around her waist and slam her on the mat.
I get up panting. Ash is still down groaning a bit. She jumps back to her feet. I then change my stance from southpaw to the normal ones. I then rapidly change my stance again and again it made me look like as if I was dancing but it was just to confuse her.
After a while of seeing me do all this she again throws a flying roundhouse kick but this time i defend against it and as soon as she land on her feet I kick her in the gut to push her back and I jump to deliver a superman punch.
She defends against my superman punch by crossing her forearms and kicks me straight in the chest as soon as I land on my feet. I come towards her running but she throws a calf kick which I dodge by ducking.
However I fall on the ropes and then she starts punching me in the back, back of my head and my sides.
She lands 8-10 punches until I turn around and start charging her with the torture rack. Its my custom made combo. Jab jab hook, jab hook uppercut, hook jab uppercut. She backs away and I steps forward she ducks and delivers a sweep kick and I fall down.
"You're slow." She said pouting.
The door of the gym is open and I see a figure approaching. Its Mukund. Why? Why him? Damn. He comes running towards the ring. His eyes are wide open.
"James you're down!? That's unbelievable. Ash did you....."
"Yep I did."
"By the way I wanted to tell you that the dinner is almost ready I mean it'll be ready till you wrap up and take a bath." He said
"Thank you" said Ash "we'll be coming."
I get to my feet.
"Yeah I'll tell Nora to make some soup for James coz I think he'll be needing it." He said joking.
Ash laughed.
"Get the hell out of here before I throw a dumbbell at your filthy face" I said.
"Oh I've seen who was lying down with a filthy face." He sid
After removing a glove I throw it right at his face which hits him and falls on the ground. He picks it up.
"Oh yes I'll be keeping this as a souvenir of this memorable day." He said and starts running to the gym door.
"I'll kill you someday." I said.
Ash and I leave the ring. We start taking off our gloves and removing our bandages.
"Come on James why don't you ever get serious in a fight? Why don't you fight upto your full potential?"
"Well you're too good I always fight upto my potential."
"Oh really you think I am an idiot? Tell me are there no clinches or grapple attacks in MMA boxing?"
She got a point. Okay I don't want to hurt her but she is one of the best female fighters I've ever met. I mean she is good but the thing is I still don't want to hurt her.
"Okay I don't wanna hurt you. I know you can take on anything I throw but still I can't use my full strength against a girl. Its a principle coz I respect girls and I hate when I punch or kick my younger sister but I don't want you to get angry. You're still a really good fighter" I said.
"You know you over think a lot." She retorted.
"Come on let us go to our rooms and then have some food." I said.
With this we leave the gym and I close the gym door.
Damn it was intense. I am so so so so sorry for mixing all the tenses, I always get confused with the tenses. I know this chapter doesn't have to do anything with the progress of the story. I just wanted to write an action scene. Please please please read, vote and comment.
Now a minute's silence for all the tenses I murdered. 😂😂SorryR.I.P

The gaming portal [Reconstruction]
ActionHighest rank: #12 in action. James and his team of six makes a new next-gen gaming console called as the gaming portal. Due to some glitch the gaming characters are leaving the protal and they must protect their planet