Chapter Three

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{ Zayn's POV }

Teddy did not know her limits on alcohol to say the least. After like 10 rounds you could tell she had all she could handle. Niall being the big drinker encouraged her to keep at it no matter how drunk she felt. She, being stupid, listened so now here I am holding her hair as she pukes into the toilet. Really a lovely way to enjoy a party.

"Are you done now Teddy?" She has been puking for 5 minutes. I wouldn't have a problem with helping her but I don't like the smell of puke. "I think I'm good now. You're such a nice person helping me and everything." And there she goes back to puking. "It's not a problem really. Do you mind if I open the widow?" Without waiting for an answer I quickly open the window and immediately it starts to smell better.

"Okay I'm done now." Teddy says as she gets up off the floor. "Whoa now you have to take it slow."

"I'm fine, now lets get back to partying." Out the door she goes. I have a feeling tonight is not going to end very well. "Teddy wait! You can't go and drink any more."

"And why is that Zayn? You can't tell me what to do so if I want to drink more I can." Stomping away she heads for Niall knowing he won't say no. Why me? Why do I have to be the one to care so much for everyone? I'm only looking out for her and I'm sure she knows that but with all the alcohol, she isn't going to listen.

"Man that girl!" I look over to see Brandon. Him being the drug lord of the school makes him the most popular. The boys and I were hired to get as much dirt on him as we can so he can be arrested. The problem is he is really good at hiding his connections with other dealers. "What about that girl?"

"She's just you know, different. Most of these girls throw themselves at me but she doesn't. I'm going to find a way to make her mine." He takes a drink from his cup.

"Well not every girl is going to be into you. You're a total dick and you smell like weed half the time."

"We will see Malik, we will see." By this time Teddy is passed out in the middle of the floor. "Great!" I mumble. Brandon starts walking towards her body.

"Back up Brandon I know how you are. You aren't getting any where near her. Liam come help me please." I yell not taking my eyes off of Brandon. "What happened to her?"

"What do you think Liam? She wouldn't stop drinking and now she is passed out in the middle of the floor."

"Next time we will limit her on what she can have."

"If there even is a next time. No way can this happen again." By this time Brandon has already gone off with some girl who is willing to sleep with him. "Brandon is interested in her and he has basically claimed her already. She can't be any where near him unless she has to be."

"Zayn protecting some girl isn't a part of the job. Taking down Brandon is the job. Who cares what happens to some chick we don't really know."

"I care Liam and so should you. She is an innocent bystander."

"Zayn she is underage and completely pissed, not so innocent in my eyes."

"You're kidding me right?"

"No now hurry we need to put her some where. Maybe the guest room?"

My eyes widen at his remark, "What? Fuck no! I'm taking her home whether you like it or not. There is no way she is staying here with a house full of drunk and high teenagers who will take advantage of her."

"And by teenagers you mean, Brandon."

"Doesn't matter if I mean him or not she isn't staying here."

"You don't even know where she lives Zayn. You don't know her condition at home and what her parents are like. You know nothing about her."

"Doesn't matter now help me find her car." I swipe away a peice of hair that has fallen in my eyes.

"You're going to take her car?" Liam questions me his eyebrows raised.

"Yeah, do you want her to have to answer to her parents about where her car is."

"What about you? You can't just walk around at night. You will either get mugged or shot."

"Liam I swear sometimes you forget we are trained to handle the worst situations." I lift Teddy off the floor and Liam grabs her legs. Carrying her outside we look for her car. The key she has shows that it is some kind of Kia. I push the unlock button and a Sorento beeps. Opening the back, we lay her gently across the seat.

"Maybe she has her home address programmed into the GPS; let me take a look." Liam leans into the consul and starts to poke buttons turning to different pages on the GPS.

I hear a groan from the back seat and twist around. Teddy is trying to sit up.

"Teddy, stay laying down you're still drunk." I tell her reaching back and moving some hair out of her face so she can breath easier. She mumbles something about a cat and lays back down.

"Dude!" Liam exclaims when I turn back to him. "What?" I ask confused. "You could have asked her if she knew her address, she only has her old address in this damn thing." He sighs and leans back in the seat.

"She's drunk, how would she be able to remember?" I ask turning to the back again to check on her.

"I don't know, maybe she is a smart drunk?" Liam responds. I reach over and slap him on the shoulder. "Dude, focus, how are we going to get her home." I sigh and place my head on the steering wheel, careful not to hit the horn.

"Just take her back to your place." Liam suggests leaning his seat back.

I sigh knowing it's our only option. I don't want to drive her around town all night. "I guess so." I mumble and put the car in drive.

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