Chapter Four

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{ Teddy's POV }

I woke up to the sun shinning and a pounding headache. I was in an unfamiliar place and different clothes. I don't remember much after playing Flip Cup with Louis' group but I do know I did not change myself. My blood turns cold. What if someone kidnapped me, raped me or something. Oh god mom! She must be freaking out right now. I couldn't help it, I started to cry. This is not what I thought my junior year was going to be like.

"Hey love are you okay?"

"You!" I shout, pointing at Zayn who is standing in the doorway.

"Me?" He questions, pointing back at himself.

"Yes you! Where am I and why did you bring me here! Why couldn't you have left me at Louis' or taken me home. What all did you do to me? I thought you were this really nice guy. I thought you were different from the others. How stupid was I?"

"Whoa there. I am different than the others. Nothing happened and I didn't kidnap you. You were way to drunk and I couldn't leave you at Louis'. It wouldn't have been safe for you there. I would have taken you home but your GPS didn't have the address in it. And I am not like the other guys, I do actually have a heart."

"Nothing happened! Then why the fuck am I not in the clothes I was wearing last night?"

"Would you want to sleep in outfit you wore last night? I don't believe tight pants and a tight shirt would be to comfortable. And don't worry I wasn't the one who helped you change." He laughs and crosses the room to sit on the bed.

"Oh yeah then who did? Casper the friendly fucking ghost?" I curl my legs into my chest, trying to get as far away as possible from Zayn.

"If you keep being sarcastic with me I won't answer any of your questions." He looks me dead in the eye.

"I'm sorry. No more sarcasm. If you didn't dress me then who did?" I sigh.


"Liam? What the hell. Why didn't you? You're the one who "saved" me from the party."

"I was busy getting your bed made. I could have left you on the uncomfortable couch but I thought I would be nice and let you sleep in a bed." He stands up again and grabs my clothes off of the dresser next to the door.

"Oh." I look down at my hands and play with my cuticles.

"Yeah. So, your mom called at like 3 a.m. I told her you fell asleep in a spare bedroom at Louis' house. She asked if she should come get you, but I told her I'd take care of you. She put up a bit of a fight but I convinced her that I wasn't going to cause you any harm. Took about an hour or so doing that. I made her a deal though. She said you could stay here as long as I had you back by 3 this afternoon. I'm guessing your mom knows you drink?" Zayn hands me my clothes.

"We have a close reationship so there is no need in ruining it by lying to her."

"I see. Speaking of drinking, you want some medicine for the headache I'm sure you have?"

"Yes please! I will be down after I change." I wait until Zayn is out of the room and change back into my clothes from last night.

I walk down the hall to find the bathroom and quickly close the door and begin brushing my fingers through my hair. I grunt when my fingers hit a knot. I turn on the water and immeadiatly begin to splash my face with the cold water, instantly waking me completly up. I decide that there is no way that I can get rid of my bed hair, other than taking a shower, so I give up and head towards the kitchen to find Zayn.

"You really didn't have to make me a bed. The couch would have sufficed. And with how out of it I'm sure I was, I wouldn't have cared. So what all happened after I went over my limit?" I ask once I hit the doorway.

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