Chapter Two

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Chemistry was really awkward after that Brandon guy said something about me staring at him. I was so thankful for gym being my next block because I was actually good at sports. I guess it helps that my father was MVP in high school and college. He taught me everything I know. I also have gym with Louis so that made it better.

The rest of my classes run smoothly, except for the fact that Brandon is in them. But I will have to get over his charming looks and rude attitude since I have three classes with him this semester.

The rest of the week flies by and soon it's Friday - the best day of the week. What makes it better is that we had a pep rally which got me out of fourth block. Louis sees me as I walk in and he calls me over. With him is Monica and four other guys.

"Hey, Teddy, how ya doin'?" Louis scoots over on the plastic bleachers to make room for me. "I've been good, what about you?" I question trying to be polite.

"Good, good." One of the four guys next to Monica punches him in the leg. "Hey! What did you do that for!" Louis yells rubbing his leg. "Aren't you going to introduce us to your new mate here?" One of the brown haired boys asks.

"Oh yeah, Teddy, this is Liam, Harry, Niall, and Zayn." He names off the boys pointing at each one while saying their name. "And lads, this is Teddy. She just moved here from Wyoming." I smile at each of the boys.

"I didn't know you were from Wyoming," Monica questions. "I am. Nothing special about it though. I was actually relieved to leave, it's quite suffocating." I respond.

"Well, welcome to Cali, home of the rich and famous," Liam says stretching his arms out wide. I send a smile his way while I watch as the football players stand in a huddle. I think the pep rally is about to end.

"Hey, Teddy, how do you feel about going to a party tonight?" Louis asks me.

A party? We had very few parties back in Wyoming. "Yeah, sure," I respond twisting a lock of my hair around my finger.

"Great, give me your number and I will send you the address." I grab Louis' phone from his hand and type my number in. "See you tonight," Louis says before walking away with Monica and the four other boys.

I notice that the pep rally is over so I follow the other students to the doors. I spot my mothers car and hop in.

"How was your day?" She asks as we push through the crowd of people and cars. "Great, I got invited to a party." I put a proud smile onto my face and my mother takes her eyes off the road for a moment. "I don't know how I feel about you going to a party." I roll my eyes.

"Please mother, I really want to go. My friend Louis will be there along with Monica, and Liam, Harry, um," there were two more boys but I forgot their names. "And Niall, and Zayn. Yeah that's their names. I can even drive myself, I think I know how the traffic is here now and I can use my GPS if I need to." I plead.

My mother lets out a long sigh, "Alright, but you need to be home by midnight. No later." I squeal bouncing in my seat. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"


You could hear the music from two blocks away. There were people all over the yard along with bottles, and red cups. Louis is sure gonna have fun cleaning this mess up.

I walk down the stone path and to the front door. I didn't even have to knock, the door was already open and crowded with people. "Excuse me." No one even acknowledged me. "Get the hell out of my way please." I say loud enough for them to surely hear me.

"Well if it isn't the new girl who likes to stare. Did you not get enough of the view throughout the week? It's really nice that you like me so much that you followed me to a party."

"I'm not here for you ass face. Now if you will excuse me I would like to find my friends."

"Your friends? There is no way you have any friends." He was smiling this creepy unsettling smile and I felt uncomfortable.

"She actually does. Now I believe the lady asked you to get out of her way. I suggest you do it before I make you." Brandon didn't seem phased by the threat.

"You're not gonna do anything about it Malik."

"You maybe right but no doubt Liam wouldn't like another round with you, you know since you cheated last time."

"Fine, I'll move out the loser's way." He says looking at Zayn then turning to me. "Don't think this is over Teddy. I don't think I have to remind you that we have 3 classes together." Giving Zayn a dirty look, him and his friends finally leave.

"Thank you for coming to my rescue. That was very nice of you."

"Eh, it was no big deal. If you're looking for Louis and Monica they're in the kitchen with the others. Do you want me to walk you to them?" Thinking about it now, Zayn seems like a sweet, kind hearted and all around good guy. Someone I would love to be with but would never end up with.

"If you wouldn't mind."

"Alright then come with me. It's really not that hard to find the kitchen." I couldn't help but watch Zayn the whole time we walked together. He was polite and loving towards everyone, well everyone execpt Brandon. I don't think anyone could say one bad thing about him. The girls seem to like him a lot seeing as they completely throw themselves at him.

"Ah there she is! I'm so happy you could make it tonight. Did you have any trouble getting here?"

"GPS comes in handy. So what're your plans for this party?"

"Uh drinking games of course. You can't tell me you don't drink."

"I drink just not that much and I'm not really fond of beer." Everyone in the group had their eyes on me. "What is it? Do I have something in my teeth?" I consciously cover my mouth.

"How can you not like beer?" Niall I think his name was asks me.

"Well the smell isn't to appealing and it just tastes like pee to me. You have any liquor?"

"Hmm let's see, do you like hypnotic?" Harry asks. It's not hard to remember Harry, his eyes are just a beautiful shade of green.

"That just so happens to be my favorite."

"Alright let the games began!" Louis yells running around setting up the first drinking game. "Who wants to play Flip Cup? The rules are two teams with an equal number of players stand on opposite sides of the table. You put a little of your drink into the cup, the two people at the end will start the game by picking the cup up, clancking them together, setting them back down and then lifting them to drink. Once that is done, they will set the cup on the edge of the table and try to flip the cup over. Whoever gets it flipped first, the next person on their team will drink and try to flip it and so on. First team with everyone done wins. Any questions?"

"Seems easy enough. Are you girls down or can you not handle alcohol." Niall asks wiggling his eye brows. "Niall you idiot you know I can hold my own. But the question is can Teddy hold her own."

"Well Teddy you did say you don't drink much. Can you hold your liquior?

"Oh don't worry I can handle it just fine."

Sorry guys it takes a while for us to update. I hope you all are enjoying it so far.

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