The Plan

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A/N: Okay, this is my first time publishing a story so wish me luck. By the way, in case you were wondering like I always do before reading a slash-y fan fiction, Will is going to be the boy in the relationship like he always is. But I felt like I should just clear anyone's doubts just in case.

Chapter summary: Bianca learns about her engagement and is not happy. Nico has a plan and is a bit too reckless.

Warning: Drama, Angst, same gender ships and violence.

Spoilers: I don't think so...

Disclaimer: I don't own PJO


"WHERE IS MY SAY IN THIS?!" Bianca shouted, angrily.

"Bianca Maria di Angelo, lower your voice!" her dad glared at her angrily.

"I don't want to marry some Sunny D who I don't know anything about!"

Bianca di Angelo was the seventeen year old daughter of King Hades and the next heir to the throne. Or would be if she wasn't getting married. She had long black hair, usually tied in a ponytail and black eyes like her fathers. She held herself with dignity but gave others friendly looks still. She had a healthy figure and was of average height. Her skin was slightly olive colored. All in all, she was very beautiful. But she wasn't a damsel in distress. She could fend for herself and was tremendously skilled at archery.

"We're this close to being allied with one of the most powerful kingdoms. Prince Will Solace is, as I heard a good boy. He's good-looking and very easy-going which I would disapprove but what else would you want?"

"I'm sure we'll be the best of buds," Bianca said rolling her eyes.

"Bianca, you will give him a chance whether you like it or not"

"I have told you a million times that I love someone else"

"My brother's daughter? How about no? Bianca, you are the oldest of my children and should know your responsibilities as a princess and do what's best for the country. Hazel knows hers but is getting married to King Mars' kid so now her duties lie there. As for your brother, I have no idea what I will do with that useless boy who is going to be the reason people talk behind our backs"

Bianca's eyes flared. Hades, for some reason, really hated Nico, who was her younger brother. None of them were really given a lot of attention but he avoided Nico like the fifteen year old was a disease and only talked to him to give orders or insults. Bianca had also seen bruises on Nico and she hoped that they didn't come from where she thought they did.

"I am a very busy person, Bianca. Now go! And tell your brother that he had better have finished that quest I gave him"
Bianca gave her father a look full of venom and stormed off to her room. Bianca's room was big and full of posters of strong woman. There were various pictures of Nico, Bianca, Hazel who is their half-sister, Persephone who is their stepmother, Demeter who was her mother, Hades and Maria di Angelo, Bianca and Nico's mother. Bianca took off one of her mothers one and sighed. 

"Mum, what can I do? I love Thalia. But I have to marry this Will Solace boy"

Maria's eyes were sparkling in that picture. A younger Nico was on her lap and Bianca was standing next to her laughing. Bianca smiled but it faded and she sat down upset.

A knock on the door came. 

"Come in..."

A small fourteen year old with bushy cinnamon brown hair and coca skin. Golden, concerned eyes met sad black ones. Hazel sat down next to her and hugged her as Bianca buried her face in Hazel's shoulder.

Plans never go as supposed to (A Solangelo AU!Royalty story)Where stories live. Discover now