Prince of Imperium

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It's been three weeks but it feels like months since I updated. I have become obsessed with Voltron. In fact I'm thinking of writing of writing a Medieval times AU. But I really should focus on this on and my other book before anything else.

Okay this chapter is going focus on Will when he finds out about the engagement. And then when he found out the person who hates Apollo. It's really crappy, so I'm really sorry. But it's better my first write of this.

Disclaimer: I'm incapable out making such an amazing cinnamon roll like Nico di Angelo so... no, I don't own PJO.

"Will! Wake up!" Will's sister, Kayla shouted.

Will groaned. He usually was the first one to wake up but Cecil and Lou Ellen had organised such a huge engagement party. Will was happy for his two best friends but he had a huge headache and he didn't even get drunk last night. When Will asked to be left alone, no-one listened.

Will was half asleep as he made his way. After he changed, he started brushing his hair. He looked in the mirror.

Will had golden locks which framed his face nicely. He was a good six feet and had a firm built. Will's skin was tanned and everyone said they could have sworn he slightly glowed. His eyes were blue and bright. Will almost always was cheerful and happy. The only time he would feel sad was when someone mentioned his older brothers Lee and Michael. They had both mysteriously died.

Will was the oldest child of Apollo. Apart from him and his dad, there Kayla and Austin who were his younger siblings.

Kayla had a lot of freckles, ginger hair which was dyed shocking green. Austin was a tall African-American boy, with cornrows shaped like a double helix. Kayla was fifteen and Austin was fourteen.

Will went outside to eat breakfast. Kayla and Austin were messing around. He muttered a 'good morning' and started eating. Half-way through, he fell asleep. Unfortunately he fell into the oatmeal and was shocked awake again. His siblings were very amused by this. Will glared at them

"Morning, kids"

"Hey dad," the three chorused.

Apollo looked like Will, but older and more handsome. He was an alright king but a bit (Huge underestimate) of a player. Austin and Kayla were actually Will's half-siblings. Will's mother, Naomi, was a very beautiful woman (which was probably why Apollo liked her) and she was really kind-hearted. But she was a bit of a hopeless romantic. She had been refusing to date until she felt electric shocks. When the electric shocks came, she thought Apollo was just this nice man who defended her from a few others. You know what happened next. Naomi was heartbroken and Will had yet to forgive his dad for it. But since Naomi did and he had to live in the same castle, he guessed he could tolerate his father. It wasn't like they talked often with Apollo being a king and always with a new woman every week.

"I need to talk to Will for second," Apollo announced. Will nearly fell in his oatmeal again.

He exchanged glances with Kayla and Austin.

"Get ready and see me in the throne room as soon as possible"

He stood up and went.

"You don't think it's too bad?" Kayla asked.

"Probably not," Will assured himself.

"I don't know, bro. He looked serious, for once, and wanted to talk to you only," Austin mumbled. Kayla punched him.

Will got up and sluggishly trudged to his room. If he had no want to talk to him but had to then their was no way he'd do it in a hurry.

After an hour, he knew he would have to come so ran.

Plans never go as supposed to (A Solangelo AU!Royalty story)Where stories live. Discover now