The Kingdom of Sapientiae

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Nico had no idea how he had let this happen. One second he was thinking of a plan, the next second he was like screw the plan and the next he corners a man and kicks him in the gut and knocked him unconscious. Then he fights with the rest of the men into the town square where there are guards.

Nico then played the innocent boy who they were trying to capture as a slave which they would have if Nico was actually innocent. Which he wasn't even slightly. So bye bitches.

The slaves were taken to Queen Athena who would do her wise stuff and all. Except one who had cornered Nico. That one had dirty hair which probably weren't s dirty some time ago. He was a foot taller than Nico which almost made Nico feel intimidated if he didn't get intimidated. The boy seemed to be about Nico's age or a bit older and had some muscle and stuff. Someone who was probably out doing work at their kingdoms palace. Nico knew his cards. Hazel thought him different stones and he had learnt a lot of stuff and how to distinguish people and things. Nico prided himself on it.

"Who are you?!" they both demanded at the same time.

Nico was shocked. Who was this boy to demand something of Nico? Nico was heartless, cruel rogue who listened to no one but himself and rebelled against all. King or peasant, man or woman, he listened to no one and no one demanded anything of him. Except his dad. But that was different. If he could he would chop his dad's head off, cut it into hundreds and thousands of little pieces, take them, make a soup out of them, put pieces and stuff in, then some of Hecate particularly nasty potions inside, leave it to boil, put some spices into it and then serve it to Cerberus who would eat it gladly because he loved meat and didn't care about Hades as much as his food. As for his rest of the body, well, Bianca's sister senses would start tingling and she'd come here in a flash and kill him. But not before shouting so loud you could hear her from the other side of the world. Nico would be lucky if he didn't turn deaf before the first word. And if he didn't then he'd be deaf after it definitely (No puns. Nico hated puns. His dumb cousins liked them but he did not). But she would also be mad about the whole running away without telling her about the plan and stuff. Anyway back to reality. 

"I should be asking that," Nico said, "And who am I, is not your business. What do you want?"

"I want you to take me to the Kingdom of Lady Hecate," the man said. Wow, straightforward isn't he? Nico had to give him credit. He hated when people wasted his time. Well, this dude was wasting his time but at least he wasn't being all formal and stuff about it. Wait Nico, you aren't supposed to be in his favor dumb ass.

"Yeah, can't do that Mr....?" 

"-Micheal Lee!" he said quickly. Too quickly. But what could he do? Nico nevertheless raised an eyebrow. 

Micheal just shook his head and then said, "Look I need to go there. I'll do anything"

"What can you do?" If this dude thought Nico was jut going to leave his quest like that to help him then he had another thing coming. This was his sister and also Prince Will should be dead by now. But let's see what this dude wanted.

Micheal took out a bag and threw it. It was Nico's bag! That lil-

"Where did you get this?!" Nico demanded. Nico swore if he was the one that stole it he would first take out all his organs and intestines and feed them to the crows that hang around the graveyards and then use the rest of his miserable body to give warmth to the cold alley cats. His bones could be given to Percy's dog. Nico liked her.

"One of the more recently captured slaves was seen taking this and I saw you with this on the way," this dude drove a hard bargain but Nico knew what was fair and what was not so he should get his bad without this dude complicating things.

"That was just taking back what was mine"

"Finder's keepers," Okay dude Nico was most definitely going to kill you. First he would rip him into a million pieces then he'd throw him to the wolves then he'd collect what was left and take it to a market place making tall tales about it (because that is what they all do at the market place) especially since he needed money even if he did have his bag.

"I'll take you there halfway," Nico was feeling a lot of love for his bag and a lot of tiredness of fighting so okay.

Micheal then took out a pouch. Nico took it and looked his eyes widened. Actual. Gold. Coins. Not any old ones. Unless Nico was mistaken they were from Apollo's kingdom and were very rare and expensive. 

"How did you get these?" Nico asked, curiously.

"Not your business. Now will you take me?"

Nico studied the boy. He seemed alright. It wasn't like he would need to tell about his quest. All he needed to do was take him to Hecate's where he was going to go anyway because it was on the other side of the world and if he didn't run int Prince Will by then, then at least Lady Hecate could help in way (although Nico had no idea how but hey, it was Hecate so almost anything was possible). They would stay out of each other's business and just do their jobs. Then they could go back to not knowing each other's business. Easy as that.

"Firstly, I'm only taking you because I'm going there anyway. Secondly, if I die I'm going to kill you, Micheal"

"I can live with that. What's your name?"

Nico knew that he should have expected that sooner or later but he was still caught by surprise.

"Laith Klance," Nico said finding the first name from the top of his head. Okay it was in a story book about two dudes who like each other, deal with it. Almost everyone had forgotten about that book and it was Nico's favorite not only because of the LGBT themes. Lance was really funny and quirky but actually pretty cool for a happy and nice character. And Keith was BAMF AF. And the fairy tales themes were unlike other books and then mixed with a lot of fantasy and kingdoms (A/N: It's not a really good book. I still need to write it).

"Wicked. Let's go"

Nico sighed. That bag and the gold better had been worth it.

Plans never go as supposed to (A Solangelo AU!Royalty story)Where stories live. Discover now