Kingdom of Fulgur

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Will was dead on his feet. They had been walking five days in a row without a proper break. Will had a lot of energy but he was also a human being and needed to rest. This could not be healthy. No sleep and all work seemed not to bother Laith. The only thing that seemed to bother Laith were humans. And probably all humans because there was no way Laith was a human.

First of all he was too anti-social. Like super anti-social. Will had thought that since they were going to put up with each other for a while then they should at least be sort of acquaintances at least. Otherwise it would be very hard to travel together.

He was right, it was very hard to travel together.

Every conversation Will tried to make, Laith shot down like people shot down alcohol bottles at a pub. Speaking of pubs, who goes to a pub, buys a few bottles of alcohol and doesn't use them? Laith kept them in his bag and when Will asked why wasn't he going to use them or anything. Laith then shot him down with a glare and a 'it's not your business'

Will had tried to remain friendly like he did with other people but Laith obviously had a different idea. He probably thought that they were just two people who had a deal and after both sides of the deal are complete they would part ways and that's end. Which was true but there was nowhere in the deal something saying that you had to be all anti-social and society hating about it.

If he wanted space then he could have just said so.

Also when Laith actually did talk it was super sarcastic remarks. Like super sarcastic. He could probably shoot down Lou Ellen and no one can shoot down Lou Ellen. 

Also he was very very cynical. He didn't trust anyone. Not that they had anyone to trust but he always looked at Will as if he was doing something suspicious. What on Earth was Will supposed to do? Laith had the money, the weapons, and so all in all the upper hand. At least he could try to pretend Will wasn't just... something. Will would never think of himself as someone above of another and use his position for anything but if this dude didn't change his personality then Will was going to ban him if he ever came to Imperium. Was that harsh? Will thought that was harsh. But this dude is was too... Will didn't know. 

Gothic? He had no problem with goths but Will would rather be left with someone who was a little nicer. 

Will wondered that if anyone were as different as they were. Will was sunny, Laith was dark. Will was friendly, Laith was anti-social. Will was tall, Laith was... short.

That was something he got over him. He was taller and more muscular. Laith was short and super skinny which would make it hard to believe that you would rather face a dragon and if you survived then live with it or a month in the same room than be stuck with him for one day.

Maybe Will was exaggerating. Maybe Will was being over-dramatic. Maybe Will was saying ti way worse than it actually worse. But maybe Will had been spending too much time with Cecil so shut up.

Will seriously wished that they were there. Hopefully Lou was there and since Cecil followed her like a lost puppy, he also really looked the part, he would be there. And then hopefully he could tell them to save him. He hadn't even seen Laith's face and didn't want to see it either. Though sometimes he got curious.

Laith wore a helmet 24/7 even when he slept. But he didn't sleep so Will wasn't sure. He wore gloves so he didn't even know his skin color. Which was just rude. Will was not racist. 

Laith's voice was muffled by his helmet but he sounded kind of young. About Will's age? Or maybe he was just a dwarf. Will wasn't sure and to be honest, right now the thing he wanted most was to get to Lady Hecate's. 

Laith also seemed that Will was a pest which was not true. Will had not bothered him or anything. He even helped. him which was far as Will was concerned, actually nice. Though Laith would probably not know what was nice. He was making everything awkward.

Right now they were still at the kingdom of Fulgur. Laith had to buy a few things from the shops and then he said he wanted to meet with someone. When Will asked who he just said that he should learn how mind his own business before he got into huge trouble.

The only hope Laith had was if he turned out like Keith (A/N: Sorry. Ignore this) from that book Will had read. He had a copy of it in the Library. Damn how he loved that book (A/N: It really is bad. I just think it isn't a bad idea). But how much can someone be like Keith? Even if Laith was like Keith, no one could be Keith a lot. No one. 

Will wondered if Laith had read it. He must have because because Laith Klance could not be his name. It was the most fake ass name he had heard since Joe Smith. Long story. But the amount of seriousness and no nonsense he was, maybe Laith actually was his name. 


As long as he got to Lady Hecate's kingdom in one piece and safe then he didn't care about what happened to Laith or where he went or whatever.

I mean why would Will have or want to have to do with Laith?

Plans never go as supposed to (A Solangelo AU!Royalty story)Where stories live. Discover now