Chapter 8- luana

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Chapter 8.

*Luana's POV*

I peaked out of the tent flap for the thousandth time in the last twenty minutes.

"Some one is going to see you."

I was standing in Aunt Lucy's tent. Hers was closer to the strange man than mine was.

It was positioned behind the pole that the man was tied up to so he couldn't see me looking.

The man dropped his head and looked down to the ground.

I could see the muscles in his arms tensing as he moved them ever so slightly. I knew he was trying to work at the binds that held his hands behind him, but it was no use. I tied them myself.

I would have told him, but the way his muscles tensed...was interesting to watch.

His head shot up and his he looked around him. His brown hair hung over his eyes as he turned his head to the side. He had a slight stubble across his Strong jaw. He caught my eyes, and I quickly closed the tent.

In the short time our eyes met I felt my heart speed up. It was just the fear of being caught. That's what I told myself at least.

"I told you."

I stuck my tongue out at Aunt Lucy.

"Just go untie him, and take him to the river. He's been out there for over a day. The men will understand. Well probably not not, but we all know the women really run the tribe."

She winked at me then picked up her baby.

I smiled and walked out of her tent. I took a deep breath before walking to where he sat tied up.

Before I reached him his head shot up and I could see that even though he was helpless he would try and defend himself. His chocolate brown eyes softened when he saw that is was me opposed to Bali.

"Got tired of looked from afar?"

I looked around me to make sure none of the men or elders were around.

It was about midday so most would be in their tents or in the woods hunting.

I bent down and untied the knots with ease.

When he felt the pressure on his arms released he looked at me with confusion masking his flirty expression.

"Don't run or you will die. But you need water, and the women would rather not have the flies over all our food."

He nodded and started to get up.

I knew he wouldn't be able to stand on his own, but he refused to let me help he.

He had been siting too long for that. He was strong though, and I admired his attempt.

He used the stake to pull himself off the ground, and I could see how wobbly his legs were. He was able to stand while putting all of his weight on the stake that was secured in the ground.

He made a move to step towards me and away from the stake. When he almost fell I grabbed his shoulders and he put his hands on my hips to steady himself.

When he got his balance his chocolate eyes met mine and I turned away to move his arm around my shoulders so I could help him to the river.

He stumbled along beside me with great difficulty, but tried not to admit that it was painful. His annoyance that his body wasn't doing what his brain said was evident in his body language.

We finally emerged from the trees to find my little spot on the river. This spot was different than the one I usually go to.

It was harder to find, much more beautiful, and my secret place. I don't know why I brought him here. Out of all the people I could have shared it with I wanted to share it with him.

I gently helped him to the ground before running to the bank and diving in the freezing water.

I welcomed the feeling of the water sticking pins into my skin like I welcomed a long lost friend.

I swam along the bottom of the river, watching the fish that swam above me.

The day was quiet and I was a silent swimmer so they had no idea that I laid beneath them.

Suddenly they all spread out in a mad dash to get away from the edge. I swam to the top to see what the disturbance was.

The soldier had placed his feet in the cold water. Not gently mind, but just plopping them in there without even caring about the animals he disturbed.

I glared at him until he looked at me.


"Soldier, do you not see the damage you do?"

He looked at me in utter confusion.

I silently swam back over to the bank. I was careful not to disturb the fish anymore than he already had.

I could feel the soldier's chocolate brown eyes on me as I pulled myself gracefully onto the back and sat down beside him. I pointed at the smooth surface where the fish had begun to return to their normal activities.

"We don't belong here. This is their place. When we come into their river and disturb them it's like someone coming into our homes and making a ruckus.

When you are loud and you disrupt their work they get angry and turn against you.

It's the same way as our world. The trees and the nature that surrounds you protects you. It provides for you, and what do you do in return? You destroy it. Cutting away the trees, digging the gold, and everything else you do.

Soon the world will turn on us. You can only disrespect your mother for so long before you must be punished.

Mother nature will punish everyone.

Not just the men like you who have no respect for the beauty that grows around you, but also my people. Who have lived the land and became a part of it. We have taken advantage of the life we have here."

I pulled my feet from the water and stood waiting for the soldier to rise to his feet.

At first he just looked up at me in utter astonishment. I tapped my foot impatiently placing my hand on my hip.

I didn't bother wasting any time being polite. He wasn't a potential husband so I had no reason to put on a show for him.

"We must get back sometime today."

He rose to his feet and I began the walk back without looking to see if he was following.

I knew he was because I could hear the snapping of twigs as he walked along. He was too interested in me to not follow.


He is my soldier. She is my Indian.Where stories live. Discover now