chapter 11- Jackson

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Chapter 11- Jackson

Luana pulled away from me and stepped behind me so I could get a full view of the place she brought me to.

A clear blue waterfall cascaded into a pond that was beside the cave. The grass grew up to my knees and purple and yellow flowers danced back and forth in the slight breeze that blew gently. The only sounds were those of the birds singing in the trees and the waterfall splashing into the pool. The whole field was surrounded by a wall of tall trees.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

I shook my head.

"Beautiful doesn't even begin to describe this place."

I walked to the middle of the tiny paradise and sat in the grass. Luana sat down beside me and put her hand in mine. Neither of us spoke.

I was afraid the whole place would disappear around me if I spoke too loudly or made a move that was too quick.

Luana began to hum a soft melody and I closed my eyes so I could fully memorize the sound of her angel voice.

When she finished humming I opened my eyes and saw a silent tears slide down her perfect face. I slowly wiped it away with my thumb as she gave me a sad smile.

"My mother used to sing that lullaby to me when I couldn't sleep."

I put my arm around her shoulders while she put her head against my chest. We laid on our backs and watched the sun move across the sky. The sky was clear except for a single black cloud that began to roll in from the distance.

A storm was coming.


I felt someone shake me and I slowly opened my eyes. The sky was starting to turn dark and I could see the outline of the moon.

"We must go back."

"Run away with me Luana."

She shook her head fiercely and moved away from me like I had slapped her.

"My father is sick. Soon I must take over the tribe."

"Can they not just find someone new?"

"You don't understand. I was raised and trained to become a leader. There can be no other. Especially with times so hard."

"I don't see hard times? You have children playing and laughing. You have families happy and loving. Your men are strong and from rumors you have gold."

She stood to her feet and anger flashed across her face.

"We have no gold! This land possesses none.

The white men think that we do because we traded with a traveling tribe for some then traded that gold to them for supplies to keep our children fed.

We have barely enough food and often the adults go hungry. The men you see are strong only because my father trained them to act so not because they are strong physically.

There is nothing here for your people. They could kill us all and never find a piece of gold. All they will find are starving people just like them."

"Luana. I'm sorry. My words were foolish.

I wish I could tell you there was a way to stop more soldiers from coming but, there is not.

Their numbers are far greater than that of your army. They will set their camp near here. That is what I was doing when the men captured me.

They sent me ahead of them to make sure there were no "savages" nearby. They are not just bringing weapons and men. They are bringing children and wives. They plan to make this their new home and nothing will stop them.

They don't see this tribe as people. They see it as animals and something to be disposed of.

You are just fair game to them. If you don't leave you will watch your people die.

It won't matter how strong your army is. The soldiers have more.

Run away with me. Be safe."

"If all you say is true, I would rather die alongside my people than leave them to face what is to come alone.

This is my family and my life. This land is my only home. I will not leave it.

Your people can kill me and my people, but our blood will sink into the earth, and we will become one with the land that we love."

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