Chapter 14- luana

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Chapter 14

*Luana's POV*

Most women stayed at home when the men went to war. However, I was the chiefs daughter. I was well trained in war.

A few of the younger women would be saddling up to follow us to battle.

Most of them didn't follow in order to show their loyalty to their family or tribe.

This group of girls went to battle in order to prove they are worthy of a man. They always had to be careful to never be permanently named as a warrior. Warrior women do not wed.

It was well before dawn when I heard the drums sounding. I was expecting the men to come to wake me because they decided to start early.

I examined the steady best the vibrated through the air.

It was not the war drums. It was the drums we used before a prisoner was killed.

I felt my heart drop in my stomach and I rushed out of my home to see the men gathered around Jackson.

I tried to yell out stop, but my voice was so ragged with fear I couldn't be heard over the beating of the drums.

One of the men twisted Jackson's head to the side leaving his neck vulnerable. His eyes met mine and he gave me a small smile.

I stood frozen until the drummers started to speed up the beat.

I ran as fast as the wind would allow me, but I was not quick enough. I let out a scream as Jackson's blood spilled and stained the dirt.

His head rolled off his shoulders and I fell to the ground beside him.

My eyes shot up at the man who killed the man I loved.

Bali's electric blue eyes met mine. They held no remorse for the life that he had just taken. I could see the pleasure shine in his eyes.

He was no man. He was a monster.

My father's eyes met mine and I could instantly see the regret in his eyes. Unlike Bali, he believed what he was doing was correct. Bali killed the man I loved out of bloodlust.

I stood up straight and shot a deadly glare at Bali. He should watch out for me in battle.

Accidents may happen, and he may not return home.

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