Chapter 1

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Another day saw more destruction for the Kingdom of Meisa.

The poverty filled land dwarfed all of the others.

The royal family were kind, however they only knew of the first few towns near their home.

They did not know of the lands beyond the boarders, the ones they could not reach.

The palace and grounds around were filled with large markets, the towns people would set up their stocks and sell and buy whatever they wanted.

The king and queen brought them hope, ever since the previous king passed.

Queen Carla was loving, had nothing but care in her eyes.

Never had seen the bad in people, only the good.

King Grisha was the same, neither too strict nor to polite.

Their two children, one a well known trained warrior.
The other, a timid, shy boy.

The royals suddenly announced a banquet, sending invitations out over all of the lands.

Even the ones they do not speak of...

The nearest towns people were less than impressed by the kind act. They had shouted at the royals, demanding them to cut off all ties with the outer villages. Disrespecting the family, however Carla and Grisha did not take notice of the hateful words being sprayed out at them and continued smiling.

The towns children were just as happy, they would get to meet more children to play with.
Their parents would sneer at them for even mentioning the poorer lands and sharing their toy with the children.

The royals hadn't held or spoken of an event so big before, even the two royal children were trying to contain their excitement.

The date came faster for the royal children more than anyone else as the youngest royal child, Eren, would turn 20 that day.

The evening came, bringing many new faces with it.

Carla had always loved to socialise, getting to talk to everyone was a blessing.
She had walked around for the evening, not catching sight of her son.

Until she spotted a tall, lean man standing near the white pillars, gazing out of the balcony to the rose gardens.

She did not recognise him so decided to go up.

She cleared her throat, bidding him a good evening and thanking him for coming.

He nodded and kissed the back of her hand when she had put it out for him.

"The names Levi." The man, Levi, spoke.
His voice heavy and deep.

Not the best of introductions one might say, however, he did not seem all too disrespectful.

The band playing music suddenly went silent.

Everyones eyes strayed to the top of the shiny marble stairs.

There the young prince stood, hand gliding down the wall next to him elegantly as he walked down each step carefully, looking through the crowd with golden eyes.

Levi's emotionless facade had broken enough for Queen Carla to notice the way her sons eyes met with the strangers beside her immediately.

The boy shied away soon after being caught staring and continued to slink around the corner, out of sight.

Levi looked after him as the boy disappeared around the corner, away from his mother and the raven haired stranger.

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