Chapter 12

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The very next morning, the prince was awoken at dawn by the steady thumps of a horses hooves hitting the grassy fields opposite the palace grounds.

He sat up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

He wondered who would be out that early in the morning, maybe it was the hunters? They hunted in the early hours of the morning...

He heard a quiet command from his window and curiosity got the better of him as he peeked out of his silk curtains.

He watched a black stallion being led into the stables by the training grounds.

The person wore a hooded cloak over their head, efficiently covering their face from being seen...

The person tied their horse to a post and ran a hand through its soft mane, the form then moved towards Eren's own mare and began to reach for it.

It touched the brunettes horses muzzle, thumping it on its back as if to comfort the animal.

Eren's horse had never seemed to like many people so there could only be a handful of people who the mysterious person could be...

Eren looked harder, squinting his eyes to focus more intently on every detail he could see.

The figure stood confidently, they had broad shoulder and the prince also noticed they had a brown paper bag tucked under their arm.

The person then continued to walk into the palace as simple as that...

Boots clattered against the marble flooring of the hallway, they were coming straight towards the princes own chambers.

Thinking the person would wander past the prince was shocked when the steps stopped roughly around his doors...

The rustle of the bag had Eren skipping to the doors, wishing he could peek outside and into the hallway.

The steps started up again but they were fleeing away this time...

He snatched open the door and there on the floor, lay a single red rose...

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