Chapter 3

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Sir! I-I'm very sorry, Please excuse me

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Sir! I-I'm very sorry, Please excuse me."

Although he tried so very hard to keep his voice not weak his real emotions did not get past Levi.

However the raven haired man was so shocked at having the boy he'd been trying to discreetly follow around pushing into him he did not have anything to say to the younger.

Eren had quickly ran off however when he had no reply.

"W-wait!" He reached out a hand towards the fleeting prince.

He followed him up the smooth stairs, hurrying to catch up with the  weeping boy.

"Prince Eren, please wait!" Why was he shouting after him? The prince did not know of Levi's existence, why was he suddenly chasing after him? 

He was not the sort of person to search out for people needing comfort.

Yet he was chasing this crying boy?

The young prince had ventured off into a room, the doors stood to the ceiling, decorated in beautiful gold swirls.

Levi had never seen so much gold before, his town was of the poorer minorities.

Two guards stood outside of the door eren had disappeared behind.

Levi had found a pillar in the hallway to shelter his presence from the two men dressed in fine robes.

He waited, waited until the guards had left to switch for the night shift then he made his move.

Levi was known as quite a skilled pick pocket so his steps were light, not easily heard.

The door slide open silently and he slipped in between the small crack.

Searching around the room he noticed the amazing details.

It was filled with a queen sized bed with curtains draping around the upper half, tall ceilings with a chandelier hanging, however it was not lite.

Only the bed side candles were set a flame.

And there, in the middle of the room was the prince.

His back was turned to Levi.

Levi watched in awe as the man began to slowly slip off his garments, unsuspecting of Levi's presents the boy continued undressing.

When the shawl rode down erens thighs Levi knew he needed to make his presence known.

He cleared his throat, hoping and praying he wouldn't be beheaded for watching the prince undress.

Eren turned around with large golden eyes.

He gasped aloud and quickly gathered up the clothes he wore previous and tried to cover himself.

"W-who are you! Guar-" Levi couldn't have the boy screaming for the guards, not after explaining himself.

He jumped forward placing a firm hand over the princes mouth, preventing him from shouting anymore.

"Please let me explain, my prince!" He froze in Levi's arms, dropping his clothes in fear and cocooning his arms around his body.

Levi released his hand, knowing the boy wouldn't shout out.

"W-why are you here... Have the men from the ball sent you here to kill me?" The poor boy sounded defeated.

"No. I am not here to kill you, my prince."

Levi felt the other shudder in his strong grip.

"D-did they send you here to rape me..."

"Of course not! You simply bumped into me and I was concerned, you were crying." Eren's eyes met with Levi's from over his shoulder and he swallowed.

"I-is that a lie..."

"I never lie. My name is Levi, I am from the town of Eelry. It is quite far from here... so you wouldn't recognise the name."

The prince had started to relax whilst Levi introduced himself and made sure the man realised he wasn't here to kill or rape him.

Levi had taken notice of the boys nakedness once again and he reached out for a towel to cover up Eren's modesty.

He took the towel silently, still debating on whether Levi was really who he said he was.

"I saw you speaking with my mother, she seems fond of you."

"Yes, well, I can not tell what her majesty thinks of me."

The boy hummed in agreement.

"Call me Eren, please."

"Fine, Eren."

A draw of knocks came through the door, startling the two men.

Levi turned to the white doors and briefly panicked, wondering where he could hide before the person knocking walked inside.


The man turned at the mention of his name and saw the prince holding up the bear skin rugs hanging from his bed, revealing the floor beneath.
There was a big enough space for Levi to slide in smoothly.

"Quickly, its my sister, if she sees you here she'll kill the both of us!"

The thief quickly swept under the princes bed thanking him for playing along.

"I will come back and lead you out myself when I come back, so please wait here."

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