Chapter 2

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By then the crowds wondering eyes had lost interest in the young man.

He slinked his way through the many people, disappearing from the raven haired mans sight.

The Queen had noticed the mans glassed over look and waved a hand over his face, grabbing his attention.


Across the hall, the young prince was standing alone, drinking the fine wine his father had picked specially for his birthday.

A group of older men and women came to surround the boy.

Their hateful, jealous whispers directed at eren.

Queen Carla had taught him to ignore those words, no matter what.

The words became personal, speaking of his body and attire.

The men would speak of the way his hips were of a woman's and how his doll like face was as beautiful as a little girls.
His eyes like jewels, that only sparkle in the candle light.

Eren politely told them to stop speaking of him in such a way, trying to avoid the confrontation.

They followed him until he had reached the white pillars leading to the gardens.

One of the men's hands lowered onto his waist, tugging at the jewellery hanging there.

"You're asking for it, looking like this."

The Prince pushed the hand off of him.

Looking up at the man with begging eyes, he trembled.

"P-please stop."

The man just smirked in reply, trying to grab at his skin again. "E-enough- STOP!"

Eren pinched the intruding hand, making him retract it.

He started sprinting towards the stairs.

Towards his bed chambers.

Towards safety.

He peeked over his shoulder several times, still unable to see the group.

He jumped when his shoulder came into contact with another person.

Turning his head and looking upwards he noticed the same man that was standing with his mother earlier.

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