Chapter 5

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The next day, as the queen had said, guards were sent to the town of Eelry with the orders to offer Levi an invitation to another visit at the palace, alone.

A harsh knocking at his door jolted him out of his nap.

"Who is it?" He shouted through the thick wooden door, knife held tightly in hand.

No answer came.

He opened the door cautiously...

He first saw the shiny black leather boots, next, the tight white trousers, then finally the ugly brown waist high jackets with the green horse on...

He sighed out, he'd had been in trouble with the queens military police before...

"Listen, whatever the old hag downstairs said I stole... I didn't."

He held up his hands in defeat.

"Actually sir, we are here for quite the opposite. The King and Queen have invited you to come and visit the palace again, to meet with prince Eren."

"Oh yeah, she said she would invite me back..." He held the knife behind his back, concealing it from the men in front of him.

"Pardon sir?"

"Why're you calling me sir... I've been in trouble with you lot before so you should know my name by now."

"Mr.Ackerman, the Queen has sent a carriage for you. You will arrive at the palace by the afternoon if you leave now."

"Can I refuse?"

To answer the guards grabbed his arm, pulling him out of his home.

"I'll take that as a no then... lead the way gentlemen."

The military police made him walk in front, keeping their eyes on him when the town began to come to life.

Market stools were clustered with people, children and adults.

It was a gloomy day, so as soon as the first thunder clap was heard the people started to disappear.

A red carriage stood in the distance, white horses were buckled to golden poles, hocking into the shiny carriage.

Another man appeared and opened the door for him... but this one had the winged crest on his jacket, not the horse...

He recognised him very well...

He'd been chased many times by Erwin smith.

"Sup Erwin."


He slammed the door behind him.

"I'll just pretend I didn't hear you slam the door on me."

The journey went on for a while, town after town Levi kept looking out of the window impatiently.

"When are we there?" The raven whined.

"We should be there soon. Prince Eren, I'm sure, cannot wait to meet you. His mother, Queen Carla, must have liked you to invite you back..."

"Yes, I'm very charming I hear..."

The blonde chuckled quietly, seeing the palace in the distance.

"The palace is in sight..."

Levi went straight back to gazing out of the windows again.

Watching the passing market goers, the children running around holding dolls and sticks.

This towns market was much grander than his own towns...

"Say... how long am I staying for?"

"You will have to ask prince Eren..."

He nodded and stared back out of the window.

The carriage hit the palaces stony pathway not only a minute after, jostling the carriage, making Levi's legs shake involuntarily.

The carriage came to a stand still, the door opened from the outside and a brunette woman stood wearing another survey corps jacket, just like Erwin's.

"Hello Levi, nice to meet you again."

Levi knew this one as well, the female was absolutely crazy.
He'd stolen her pocket watch before and he regretted it quickly after.


"The King and Queen are just in the door way they will be delighted to see you!"

"I'm sure they will be..."

He got out, straightening his shirt and dirt red waist coat. There were a couple of scratch marks on his trousers so he quickly wiped them off with spit.

"Trying to make yourself look presentable won't help."

Hanji had spoken over his shoulder, pushing him towards the big entrance doors.

They opened and there stood the King and Queen of the country, as well as the town of Eelry...

The Queen smiled at him sweetly while the King had a stern yet pleasant expression.

Levi walked towards the two royals and bowed half heartedly.

"You called me hear, my Queen?"


She held her hand out, Levi took her dainty hand and placed a light kiss on the back of it.

"I do not believe you met my son at the party..."


"No. He did not mention you at all... considering how you two were looking at each-"

Levi faked a cough to interrupt the woman.

The king would not want to hear that a thief was eyeing his son, a prince!


The brunette clapped her hands loudly whilst shouting the boys name.

"Yes mother?"

The voice of the boy came out through the hall making Levi look up the stairs, the same stairs he came down the night before.


The queen looked up at Eren as well.

"Levi you should stay!"

"N-no he really shouldn't..."

"Eren don't be so horrible! I know you like him."

Levi could see the boys face flush a beautiful red from where he was standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"You shall stay in the bedroom besides Eren's."

The boys mouth hung open widely.

"W-why mine?!"

"Stop being so bashful! Honestly I've never seen him blush this much in his whole life."

"Eren show Levi his room."

The king boomed.

Levi bowed goodbye to the two royal parents and went towards the prince, meeting him at the middle of the white stairs.

"I could've sworn we've met..."

Levi teased.

The boy rolled his eyes in reply.

"You're rooms this way."

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