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Attention! These are info about the flames I know so there won't be a snow flame or air flame(not sure if it exist😅) because I didn't play the KHR game. I wrote these info so there won't be a confusion in the fanfic.
The info are from KHR wiki.

P.S. There is a question at the end of the info, please help. (。◕‿‿◕。)

Sky Flames:

Sky ( Cielo )
Color: orange
Role: Boss, harmony
Power: assimilation with its surroundings and Petrification

Storm ( Tempesta )
Color: red
Role: Destroy the enemy. Begin the right-hand man is optional and it does not depend on the flame, the fact that G and Hayato are both the right-hand man is just a coincidence( that's what I think, I didn't found anything on the wiki)
Power: destruction, to disintegrate, decaying

Rain ( Pioggia )
Color: azure/blue
Role:communication and mediator
Power: calming-appeasement and dulling

Lightning ( Fulmine )
Color: green
Role: defense
Power: hardening, protecting, solidifying

Sun ( Sole )
Color: yellow
Role: healing (stimulating the healing process)
Power: stimulating and augmenting

Mist ( Nebbia )
Color: indigo
Role: device the enemy
Power: illusion - materializations (they don't teleport as it is not part of their flame however they can make themselves invisible so that they can spy on their prey and/or walk in another location and make themselves reappear so that they can create the illusion of teleportation)

Cloud ( Nuvola )
Color: purple
Power: expansion and multiplication

Night ( Notte )
Color: black
Power: teleportation-transportation and coating the user


For the earth flames I will write about them when I decide to add Enma and his guardians to the story but for now I don't think I will do that.


The question:
I thought about giving G. a name, I don't know if it's told in the manga.
I thought about giving him the name Gregorio because I think (sorry if it sound rude) it's lame and G. would change it or hide it. But maybe to the readers could sound like a beautiful name so I thought about some names:

1) Gregorio - mean "clever","attentive" and "quick/sharp"

2) Germano - It mean inhabitant of Germany, brother and in some sources says it mean "true", "real" and "genuine"

3) Gaspare- (sorry i don't know this names meaning)

If you have another name please suggest.

I will erase this question when G.s(?) real name will appear, in simple words, when I will need it.

The Characters info/reminder will be published at some point of the fanfic but not now because it contains spoilers.

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