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Astrid ran to the village, a sneer on her face. I can't wait for Stoick to find out what that piece of shit is doing.

She thought gleefully, imagining how she would get the honor of killing the monster.

 Astrid finally made it to the village, and she stopped to catch her breath, hands resting on her knees as she panted before standing up straight. 

"CHIEF!" She shouted out, and Stoick came out of the town hall, looking slightly bewildered. 

"Astrid, lass, what can I do for ye?" He asked, scratching his beard. 

"Hiccup is a traitor! He has sided with those beasts!" Astrid shouted, getting the attention of a few villagers nearby.

 Some gasped, beginning to murmur. Sure, Hiccup was weak and useless, but surely not a traitor? Stoick was completely stunned.

 "Lass, have you gone mad? What on earth makes you say that?" He demanded, concern etching into his face.

 "I saw him with a Night Fury! Not only did I see him, but he had the nerve to throw my axe away and protect the thing!" She spat angrily. 

Stoick's expression darkened. "Why would he ever think that would be a good idea?" Stoick boomed out, his voice carrying on the wind.

 "Why don't you ask him yourself?" Astrid and Stoick whirled around, eyes widening when they saw Hiccup standing there.

 Toothless took that as his queue, jumping out from behind a bush and slowly stalking forward to stand beside Hiccup. 

"Night Fury." Gobber whispered, his eyes wide with awe and amazement, while other vikings leveled their weapons toward the dragon. 

"See? A traitor." Astrid snarled, gesturing towards Hiccup. "Astrid, dragons aren't what we think they are." Hiccup began quietly. 

"Oh really, Hiccup? Those beasts have killed hundreds of us!" She shrieked like a banshee, and Hiccup's expression became thunderous. 

"AND WE'VE KILLED THOUSANDS OF THEM!" He roared back in rage. "We could've been friends, Astrid, but you broke that possibility." He spat, jumping on Toothless' back.

 "SEIZE THAT DRAGON!" Stoick ordered. "DAD, FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE, WOULD YOU PLEASE JUST LISTEN TO ME?" Hiccup shouted back, eyes glistening with tears.

 "No. No one of my village sides with the dragons. You're not my son." Stoick stated quietly. Hiccup froze, then his expression turned stone cold. 

"Fine. Goodbye forever Berk." Hiccup whispered, and he and Toothless took off into the air, flying off.

This chapter has been rewritten as of December 20, 2018.

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