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Angry authorities trailed me and the leader's path as we created one. We tried turning harsh swift corners numerous times so the police couldn't tell where we disappeared to, but we underestimated them. They always found us.
"Hyung!" I said, drained of energy yet still running. "This was a terrible idea!"
"This is a good idea, trust me," Namjoon replied, still sprinting ahead.
"Playing with the police really isn't," I replied, trying to put in some logic.
"It's not like we will get arrested," Clearly he had experienced this before, I thought.
"Have you done this before?" I asked. It took him some suspenseful seconds to be able to answer.
"Yeah, just don't say anything," RM finally replied.
"Hide behind that bush there!" the elder interrupted while quickly jumping over a hip height gate of a house, only to dive behind the bush next to it. I did the same.
We heard the sirens pause, and through the leaves we caught sight of the police cars slowing down too. Are they going to stop and search the area for us? I thought in panic. Oh shit. A slightly overweight police officer with golden brown dyed hair(that fell on his forehead) stepped slowly out of the silver and illuminate yellow vehicle. He looked around, not moving away from his car. After not spotting us, he got out his black torch from his belt and switched it on. He slowly waved the bright light every where around him, even our bush. As Namjoon saw the light pointing at us, he lowered us down and we ducked our heads. Oh no, oh no, we are going to get- the sound of the police car door shutting paused me in my thoughts. Is the officer out or back in? My heart raced at the thought.

"You can sit up properly now," Namjoon said. It must mean they are going. And I was right-the familiar sound of an engine starting reached my ears, and I felt a sigh of relief. The police cars were now gone. I fell back onto the lawn and laughed. "Fun huh?" the elder asked full of modesty.
"It was," I admitted in the end while staring at the stars. "Only because we actually got away. I was a bit scared the entire time."
"Taehyung, I will never let you get in trouble by the authorities. I've done this enough times to other enemies so I'm pretty experienced. You're in safe hands. Besides I'm the dad." he laughed. I did feel more safe and calmed down because of what RM just said…but 'other enemies'?

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