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Stomachs aching, me and the leader laughed as we stuffed our wide mouths with chocolate cookies and insulted the bus boys. Yes, I am calling Baekhyuck and Chen the bus boys. We haven't come up with an insulting nickname for Chen unfortunately.

Namjoon had just insulted Baekyuck's 'ugly' and 'squeeky' laugh, and told me about how he used to be the worst at science when he was at high school. Weirdly though, I felt very familiar with the story. I had a feeling Baekhyun and Chen were together 24/7, scaring those in the younger years together aswell-I wasn't entirely sure though.

"Now," This has to be hyung's habbit, saying 'now' all the time, I thought as he spoke. "Let's go and get revenge," and as he said that he put his cookies away with a rebelious smirk spread across his face. I wonder what we are going to do, I smiled back at Namjoon in return. It does scare me though. "We will have to wait an hour for the sun to go down though,"
"What why?"
"I will explain when it does."

My back dripping cold with sweat in contrast with my hot skin made me feel both sensations, and the warm wind heated up the inside of the company car. I was boiling. Somehow the elder looked fine! He had driven us for 15 minutes and we had finally driven into what looked like a neighbourhood. Houses, houses, houses, this is a very lo- Namjoon hyung pulled over to the left side of the road.
"Hyung, what are we doing?" I asked.
"Getting revenge...and waiting for the sun to go down,"
"Mmm, ok but how are we getting revenge?" My head was suddenly filled with utter confusion.
"Just grab my bag in the back seat," he replied calmly, pointing his thumb to the back. I stretched behind to fetch his black (with a large white logo running down the side) Nike backpack-and I heard the cans again.
"What's even in the bag?" I decided to ask, as RM took the bag from my clutches.
"Spray- ok listen. Here's the plan,"

Finally. I smiled in satisfaction.

"We are going to vandalize Baekyuck and Chen's garage door,"

My smile dropped and I got a punch of nervousness in my stomach. What the fuck, hyung.

"And the plan is that we bang on it and we are loud and stuff, hopefully they call the police on us."
"Why do you want us to get arrested?" I raised my eyebrows in disbelief...disbelief of how the latter could think like this. Worst of all, what would Jungkook think of this when he finds out?

Oh great, I thought as I felt the familiar knocking on my consciousness' door. I had to hold the side of my head as it pounded painfully.
"Taehyung, are you ok?" I looked up swiftly in shock at the elder; I was in so much pain I forgot he was even there for a minute.
"Er, yeah I'm fine," I let go of my head as if too trick the hyung into thinking the pain stopped, but I could tell he was still concerned.
"Are you sure? You don't have to do it if you don't want to."
The voice in my head forced "I will still do it," to pass my lips.
"Ok then, get ready for an adrenaline rush because luckily for us the sun has gone down earlier than anticipated." Namjoon pointed through the windshield at the darker blue sky-but it was still dusk.
"This is what it's for, to feel good?"
"Yeah, it will be fun," the elder turned his face to me and gave an expression that read 'it will be, I know it will, or are you going to chicken out?'.
"Yeah I can tell it will be." I smiled. "Let's go and get some more food," I recommended.
"Why?" RM looked quite confused.
"Are we really going to do something like this at this time? It's still pretty bright, so let's kill some time by getting food and wait until the stars come out."
"Good idea," and with that, the leader turned on the engine and we drove off to the nearest shop.

"Open," I repeated for what felt like the millionth time.
"I can't do this while driving, it's hard," Namjoon complained.
"Quickly, head up and mouth open," I instructed. The elder obeyed and I tried to throw a translucent jelly bean into his mouth. It bounced cleanly off his top lip and finally past his spotless teeth onto his tongue.
"Yay!" I exclaimed, holding the green packet in my left hand with my arms up. Namjoon took his time to chew on his food before letting out a bluntly-said and swift, "Yay,", and I laughed to myself.
"We've been driving round for ages," the hyung complained.
"I agree, let's go back," We stayed silent for the short trip back to the house we had pulled over by about half an hour ago. A black starred blanket covered all of the houses from the sky, and I felt a punch in my stomach once again...a punch of excitement.

"Ok, let's go," Namjoon finally said, and we got out of the car separate ways.
"Is this Baekhyun and Chen's home?" I got around to asking while watching the elder swing his backpack over his shoulder, being careless of how much noise the spray paint cans made. It was enough for someone to hear if their windows were open...
"Yep, shit isn't it?" the elder laughed to himself while closing his car door shut. I just murmured a 'mhm' of agreement and closed my door too. As we approached the black garage door, I analysed the house: bedroom lights are on, kitchen light is on. So one of them is upstairs and one is downstairs, or two in one room, or-

"There are 4 colours," interrupted Rap Mon. At the same time he was unwrapping a strawberry lollipop. "I've used the blue and the green. So the red and yellow aren't open. Which colour do you want to use?"
"Me?" I repeated my thought outloud as I had my hand on my chest loosely.
"You don't want to do it?" asked Namjoon, closing the bag slowly (with his lolly half opened in his right fist)as if giving me a chance to open the bag back up.
"Yeah I want to do it, give meee..." I chose the colour which I thought would stand out the most on black- "Yellow," Joon smirked slightly as he opened the bag(by pulling the sides, not using the zip) and handed over a full can of bright, sun yellow paint. I stared at it.
"What are you waiting for? Draw something," RM stated. I looked at the elder.
"Like what?"
"You've never done this before have you?" He was right. I wouldn't do something like this, until tonight when my master from the underworld comes out of the blue and messes with my head. "Kim Taehyung," Namjoon started to say as if he was impatient, and I giggled quietly to myself. He never said my full name. "Please, draw anything. Draw a fucking alien; a self portrait," we laughed at the joke-I was known for being weird, hence people calling me an alien.
"Ok then," because at least I had something to draw. "But firstly I'm going to make our mark," I pulled the yellow plastic lid off of the top of the can.
"Huh?" Namjoon's pink-red sweet's stick hung from his mouth as he dropped his bottom lip in confusion. I didn't reply, I just pressed on the top of the spray to release the paint onto the property. It smelled very, very bad.
"You have handkerchiefs, don't you? Or bandanas?" I asked; not looking away from the garage door.
"Nope," Namjoon shrugged his shoulders and continued to observe me. I had vandalised the door with our new mark: RM&V.
"That's boring but ok," the elder stated, sucking on his sweet.
"Thank you," I replied sarcastically. I continued to draw the alien: a big round circle for the face(leaving a space at the top for eyes); two stick arms coming off the face; a pair of antennae and finally two touching round eyes with the tiniest pupils.

Police sirens suddenly sounded, beating our ear drums. I turned my head towards the sound, and I could see the alternating blinding blue and red lights reflecting off old tree trunks. Namjoon didn't seem too bothered about it. Then, keeping our eyes off the incoming police cars, RM and I noticed a piece of folded lined paper falling from where we assumed was the opened bedroom window. I caught and opened the paper, and Namjoon came over to read it too. Somehow this remimded me that this is probably what Jungkook felt like opening my confession letter. Or it just reminded me of him doing it.

You think we didn't see you?
-Baekhyun & Chen

P.S look back to your left 0:) got company.

"Is this a shocked face with raised eyebrows or an angel face? 'The fuck," I asked RM, who had already witnessed the flourescent 2 police cars starting to slow down at the house. He suddenly grabbed my arm and looked at me.
"Time to run, ready?" he gave me a smirk of 'this will be so fun you have no idea'. I nodded. "Good, so fuck the paper and go!" Before I could find a bin, Rap Monster snatched the note from my long fingers and threw it onto the lawn. Without warning or words, he sprinted off without our car, and I was forced to follow.

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