5: Humans really are easy to fleece.

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"Is that how you've been thinking lately?! Do you really think we'd be happier if you weren't around?" The earl firmly embraced Desmia. In a choked up voice he stated, "Marysol ...I-I can't lose you too... You're all I have left."

Desmia froze. It had never occurred to her that the earl would show such a reaction as she had believed that her planned suicide would be well received.

Up until that very moment, she had sincerely felt that death was the best option available to her. Not only would it have been a good way for her to escape, it would've also been a good way for her to repay the people of the Fairbloom estate for all that they had done for her as Marysol. Although they were fictional characters in a fictional world, she had grown inexplicably fond of them as they all treated her well.

Yet, as an immortal who resided in the Underworld and was intimately familiar with the cycle of reincarnation, her views on death were unquestioningly different than theirs.

Slowly, she wrapped her arms around the earl. "I'm sorry."

To them, death isn't a temporary goodbye but a permanent farewell...

She inwardly sighed as she patted his back in a clumsy manner. "I was wrong, father. I was just a little muddleheaded earlier."

The earl gently rapped her on the head. "Silly child. I'm sorry I haven't had as much time for you lately...Ah-I know!" The earl pulled back and beamed at Desmia. "Why don't you and I go into town next week for the midsummer festival?"

Desmia's eyes sparkled. Since she had awakened, she had yet to wander far from the estate so she was considerably excited for an opportunity to explore the town. "Un! Let's go!"

The earl ruffled her hair. "Alright, I'll make room in my schedule."

On the promised outing day, however, the one who ended up accompanying Desmia into town was not the earl but Kale, the gardener/all-round handyman at the estate.

Kale scratched his head awkwardly. "I know you're probably disappointed that master couldn't be here today since work popped up, but I'll do my best to show you a fun day, young mistress."

Desmia raised an eyebrow. "Ahem? What did you just call me?"

Kale blinked confusedly before smacking his forehead lightly. "Ah, I forgot! Today, you're not the young mistress but the young master!"

Desmia wiggled her child-sized index finger side to side as she shook her head. "Wrong again, Kale. Right now, I'm just your younger nephew, Rhys. Got it?"

In order to not draw much attention to themselves and for convenient travelling, they had decided that while they were outside of the estate, Desmia was to take on the guise of a common village boy. Thus, her long blonde hair was tied up into a ponytail and she donned simple male attire.

Kale gave a little salute. "Understood!"

Desmia grinned and held up a fist. "Alright! Now that we're here, let's enjoy ourselves!"

Kale flashed her a toothy grin back. "Yes!"

Because the midsummer festival was the most important event for the town of Elkan, all of the town's main streets had been decorated in colourful banners, signs and streamers. As hoards of people had come out to partake in the lively festival atmosphere, the sounds of laughter, spirited chattering and upbeat music could be heard from all over. Various scents mixed together in the air as the food stalls that lined the streets cooked and served their various creations.

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