7: You're not allowed to look that cute, you damned bastard!

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With her thumb, Desmia wiped a bit of blood away from a cut she had sustained on her lips as she turned towards the only other remaining person in the alley.

Sensing her interrogative gaze, the younger boy hastily covered his previously concealed eye with his trembling hands. In a pained voice, he tremulously cried out, ".....D-don't.....don't look!"

Seeing the boy's frantic reaction, an enigmatic smile slowly emerged on Desmia's face.

Had any of Desmia's friends and siblings in the Immortal Realm been present, they would have long escaped because they knew that such a smile from her would've only meant one thing: Desmia's interest had been piqued and this consequently meant trouble was well on its way.

With brisk steps, she walked over to the boy on the ground and crouched down.

In response, the boy buried his head into his arms and curled himself up into a ball. "Don't look!....I'm-I'm....not....not a monster!"

Desmia paid no heed to his utterances as she moved to lift the boy's head up; however, the instant she made contact with his bare skin, she felt the divine imprint on her body pulsating as it emitted a mysterious heat.

Desmia's face darkened as she jerked her hand back and clutched onto her shoulder. This kind of divine imprint only reacts when immortal souls are detected...so for it to react when I touch this kid has to mean!

"Y-you, you're! You're him?!"

Desmia forcefully pulled the boy forward and sandwiched his soft cheeks between her hands.

With widened eyes, the boy froze as she closely studied every detail of his face with a scowl.

So is this how this bastard looks in this lifetime huh?! Damn, these altered appearances! I wouldn't have even recognized him if it hadn't been for this imprint!

Desmia swiveled his head side to side as she examined him. He looks nothing like he did before. There's not even the faintest resemblance to his Ice Block self...Ah wait...now that I'm looking at him carefully, although everything else is different, he still has a mole in the same place as before!

Indignant, Desmia furiously began to rub at the spot under boy's right eye as if it were a speck of dirt she wanted to scrub away.

The pain from her incessant rubbing made the boy inadvertently wince as the skin under his eye turned red.

Desmia glared at him incredulously. "Why the heck are you wincing?! I only brushed against you a bit with my thumb!"

The boy's eyebrows drooped at her scolding, making him seem pitiful and helpless.

Desmia pulled at his cheeks viciously. "Stop making that face! It's annoying!"

The boy's eyes glazed over with teardrops seemingly on the brink of spilling. "I'm.....I'm s-sorry.........."

"You're doing it again!"

Just when the boy's tears were about to overflow, she asseverated, "You're not allowed to look that cute, you damned bastard!"

The boy's thick eyelashes fluttered as he blinked rapidly in bewilderment. ".......C-cute?"

Desmia jabbed an accusatory finger at his nose. "Tch, don't act as if you don't already know."

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