11: A reason for you to like me doesn't exist!

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When Desmia was finally been caught up on everything that had happened, she wanted to smack her past self for trying to extort her enemy when she had been unclear of his current self's identity. If I knew that this would be the price I'd have to pay, I wouldn't have been so greedy!

She yanked the chain with the ring threaded through it from around her neck and held it out. "Here! Take it back! I-I was only kidding about receiving compensation! Who even cares about my dumb handkerchief anyways? It's just a stupid little piece of cloth. I-I'll just wipe my face with my sleeves or a rag or something. It's just my face, no big deal! Forget I ever said anything!" Just don't make me marry that damned bastard!

Seeing that the other party wasn't taking the ring back, she took the initiative to push the chain across the table.

Yet to Desmia's dismay, when she retracted her hand, instead of staying on the other end of the table, the ring flew back towards her and dropped itself into her hands. When she attempted to place it back on the table, once more the ring swiftly returned to her.

Refusing to give up, Desmia continuously attempted to separate the ring from her person but in every attempt the ring would eventually fly back to her side as if drawn to her by a magnet.

When she finally reached the limit of her patience, Desmia completely forgot about the fact that the ring needed to be returned to the Wiltons, stomped towards the nearest open window and furiously chucked the ring outside.

Both the chain and ring spun around in the sky for about two seconds before the chain made a 180 degrees turn and floated above her head for another second before it dropped itself around her neck. What the hell is wrong with this sh*tty thing?!!!

Witnessing her fight with the ring left everyone in the room momentarily speechless.

As the first person to recover her capacity for speech, the duchess muttered, "Well, there's no doubt about it now. The proposal is definitely valid."

The duke nodded. "Truly and undisputedly valid. I have to say though, Ferris' fiancée is certainly a lively one."

"I think they're a good match," opined Feidhelm. "But who would've known eh? Little brother found a fiancée before I did."

The duchess patted her elder son's hand affectionately. "Fate works in strange ways, son. I'm sure you'll find your destined bride soon."

Desmia wanted to cry but was unable to squeeze out a single tear. Why is everyone speaking like this is a done deal?!!

Not knowing what she else could do to avoid her fate, Desmia found herself clutching onto the earl's arms and sending him a silent cry for help.

Sensing her evident distress, the earl helplessly gathered her into his arms as he deliberated over what he needed to do next.

Although he wasn't mentally prepared for his only daughter to be officially engaged, he knew that the differences in their statuses meant that their side lacked the standing to reject the other party.

Of course, Desmia was well aware of this issue as well. This was why she stopped herself from behaving even more outrageously.

"I understand that this will probably sound preposterous to you, your graces," began the earl tentatively, "but can the eternity ring really not be returned?"

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