9: In our tradition, that's akin to accepting a proposal of marriage.

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The next morning when Brie went to wake Desmia up for breakfast, she discovered that Desmia was not in her room.

After confirming that her small mistress was not hiding under or inside any of the furniture, Brie instantly flew out of the room in a panic. In her haste, she collided with her mother in the hallways.

Saffron eyed her reproachfully. "Brie, what did I tell you about running inside the estate? As a servant of the Fairbloom household-"

Knowing that she did not have time for another one of her mother's lectures, Brie blurted out, "Young mistress Marysol is missing!"

Saffron narrowed her eyes. "What do you mean that the young mistress is missing?"

"I mean that she's gone!" shouted Brie. "She's not in her room!"

"Did you check carefully?"

"Yes!" cried Brie wretchedly. "I looked in every single corner but I still couldn't find her!"

Saffron swiftly turned and headed to Desmia's room to confirm for herself. When she saw the unmade bed without a person inside she pressed her lips together thoughtfully.

"See, mother! The young mistress is missing!" Brie began to pull at her clothes anxiously. "Do you think something bad could've happened to her?...It must've!...What if she's sitting in a hole somewhere outside because she accidentally slipped while sleepwalking in the middle of the night?"

"The young mistress doesn't have a habit of sleepwalking," pointed out Saffron.

"She might've developed one!...Or oh my god...what if...what if she's been kidnapped?!!! The young mistress is so adorable some evildoers probably couldn't resist the temptation to take her away! She must be absolutely frightened right now! We have to save-"

"Compose yourself, child. The young mistress probably just woke up early and is playing somewhere inside the estate." Saffron placed her hands on Brie's shoulders. "Have you looked for her anywhere else?"


"Then go do that now," instructed Saffron calmly. "Start in the areas that the young mistress often frequents."

Brie nodded and scurried off to find her mistress, tripping on the hem of her dress as she went.

Contrary to her expectations, it wasn't long after Brie started searching that she discovered thick clouds of purple smoke outside of one of the manor's many spare guest rooms.

Brie coughed as she approached the room."What is all of this?"

Suddenly, from inside the room she heard the sound of a child's delighted laughter followed by sounds of muffled coughing.

"Young mistress?!"

Brie dashed inside of the room. "Young mistress, are you in here?!"

Hearing the familiar voice, Desmia who had been using her handkerchief to cover her face looked towards the door that was enshrouded in smoke. "Brie?"

Waving her hand in front of her to disperse the smoke Brie frantically called out, "Yes, it's me, Brie! Young mistress, are you okay?! Are your captors inside the room still?!! Don't worry, young mistress! I'll save you!!!!"

"Captors?" Desmia scrunched up her nose thinking that Brie must have inhaled too much smoke. "Uh, I'm not sure what you're talking about...but it's good that you're here. You're just in time!"

As the smoke in the room began to clear up, Desmia and Brie's figures became more visible.

Seeing Desmia casually standing behind a table filled with various items seemingly unharmed, Brie's eyes grew watery with relief as she ran over to her. "Young mistress!"

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