Chapter 11

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Chapter 11





"So, I really must ask. Why haven't I had any competition yet?"


"Well," I spin her away, and this time, as she returns to my arms, I get to win one of her smiles for myself. "We have been dancing for, what, four and a half songs? With a woman like you, I would have expected at least two other proposals by now."

Another silence. But it almost seems deliberate. I actually think this girl has me all worked out already. Not that it matters, I am catching up. She can keep her mystery for as long as she wants, I will have her eventually.

"Come now, Kiara." I tease, "you can tell me."

"There's a reason." She says eventually and then her lips are sealed.

"It's me, isn't it?" I laugh, "My good looks are simply too intimidating."

The blush! How I love it already. While it is nice to have a woman that knows what she is doing, while it is nice to stumble across a Melissa - certain, independent, easy - I think I had forgotten how good this was, how it felt to hold onto someone more... real.

"You know," I say. I pick up the pace slightly. I change direction suddenly. But still I cannot get her off guard, still I cannot force her to fault the dance. "You were a lot more chatty earlier. But, then, you're a lot cheerier now. Does anyone ever get both at the same time?"

She frowns again, little Kiara, her entire face creasing up. Somehow, even that makes me want to laugh.

"Just because we're dancing, doesn't mean you know me, noble boy."

"And now you're getting all aggressive because, let's face it, you're just a little bit otherwise and that's the last thing you want." I give her a spin, ignoring the glare she throws my way before her face disappears beneath my arm.

"You really think you do, don't you? You think you know everything. But you don't."

"Oh really?" I smirk, pushing up the pace further. Still she refuses to stumble. "Tell me, then, what is it I do not know?"

"My secrets are my own."

I laugh, pushing her further, pushing her faster, until even I risk falling now.

"There is no need to tantalise a man with secrets so soon, my dear." Faster, faster, round the floor. I am getting dizzy but my maiden has barely noticed, the dance is nothing but background to her. "I am quite happy uncovering a name, digging up a smile. What you like, what you want; these are big enough secrets for the now."

I am speaking only to tease her, to brighten up her personality once more. She already has the only piece of information I have ever bothered to hide, she already has my only secret.

"What do you like?", she asks suddenly.


"What do you want?"

My words seem to have worked, her lips twitch wryly and I think she mocks me. I am struck by how easily she seems to switch, flipping from laughter to darkness and back again.

"You lot have all the time in the world to think about these things, don't you?" She asks, smirking, "What you like and what you want. The rest of us are too busy being busy, making sure you have that time."

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