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A couple of weeks had passed, and Sal was back to his original, bubbly-self. We had decided to throw a party, just to allow ourselves time to forget about the previous bad times, and to celebrate our new life together, happily this time. I had sent out a message to a group of people, inviting them along to my house, where the party were to be held. I wanted as many people as possible to come, so that it'd be lively and outrageous. It was probably a good thing that this was going to be held at my place, because Sal would be freaking out otherwise.

As Sal and I were busy getting ready for the party, I thought that it'd be a great opportunity to tease him. Sal was stood in front of the mirror, styling his hair obsessively. In his hands he held a comb, which he'd wet under the tap, and proceed to brush his hair over to one side. I came up behind him, only dressed in my jeans, as I watched him get ready. His eyes locked with mine through the reflection, as a smile pulled across his face – that won't be there long after my little plan. I smiled back, before stepping closer to him, my hands clasping at his hips, as he bent over the counter slightly. I slowly grazed my hands around his torso, pressing my chest against his back, with my chin resting against his shoulder.

"Brian, what are you doing?" Sal chuckled, as he continued to perfect his hair. I shrugged my shoulders, before placing a soft kiss to the crook of his neck. Sal spun around in my embrace, a small smile upon his face. He kissed me softly, before turning back around to face the mirror once more. After a few more minutes spent combing his hair, Sal finally placed the comb onto the counter and smiled at himself in the mirror. "How do I look, Bri?" He asked me. In my mind I wanted to say absolutely stunning, but outside, it was time for my teasing to begin. My hand crept up his back, before ruffling through his hair, sprawling it in every direction possible. Sal's jaw dropped open, as he spun on his heel to face me. He glared at me, before he chased after me around the house. "That took me forever to do, you absolute asshole!" He yelled, as I sprinted as fast as I could away from him. I was laughing my head off, as I made my way around my house, soon being followed by Sal. By the time I had returned to the bedroom, he was right on my tail. I came to a halt in front of the bed. Sal came bounding up behind me, rugby tackling me down onto the bed. He straddled my hips, as he started to play fight with me, punching me in the arm and stomach. I was laughing too much to even speak by this point. As Sal clambered off of me, he slapped his hand against my ass one final time. My hand clutched at my behind as I groaned out in pain.

"Owww!" I whined in pain, amidst my chuckling. Sal strolled over to the bathroom door, turning back to look at me one more time. He pointed his forefinger at me, a playfully stern look upon his face.

"That's what you get for messing my hair, Bitch." He commented, before stepping into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. I sat up from the bed, chuckling to myself, as I began to get ready for the party. Deep down in my mind, I knew that Joe or Murr were going to be on my tail for drinking, but hell, tonight was all about having fun. I could handle it...I hope.

People soon began to file into my house, each room gradually getting more hectic as the night went on. Sal and I remained together, as we passed through the crowd, stopping to talk to a few people, before moving on. I pulled him into the corner by his hand, causing his body to push against mine. He kissed me softly, his nose pressing against my cheek, before he pulled away. We were both feeling the buzz of the alcohol at this point, but we didn't care. Everyone else was off their faces, aside from Joe of course. I could see that he was looking at me from across the room, a concerned look upon his face. He raised his eyebrows at me, as if to check that I was doing okay. I nodded my head and smiled, which was enough to get him off my back. Joe made his way over to another group of people, leaving Sal and I to it.

I pulled Sal out into the kitchen, retrieving a couple of shots each. Sal lifted me onto the counter, as he stood in-between my legs. He held one of the shot glasses in his hands, slowly lifting it up to my mouth. The pure vodka poured into my mouth, burning its way down my throat. My face screwed up, as I swallowed profusely. I leant down, and kissed Sal softly, before I took one of the shot glasses, and poured it into his mouth. Sal stepped back, as he swallowed the contents of the glass. He threw his hands up in the air, looking proud of his accomplishment. I chuckled lightly, as my hands curled around his neck, pulling him back into my embrace. We kissed once again, the evident taste of alcohol swirling around our mouths. The pair of us kissed for a few minutes, until a hand tapped along Sal's shoulder. He turned around and smiled, before moving out of the way for me to see. It was Frances, and she was slightly tipsy. I hopped down from my seat on the counter, as Sal wrapped his arm around my back.

"Y-You guys are so cute together." Her words slurred, as she reached an arm around both Sal and I, pulling us into a hug. We both placed a kiss to her cheek, as she giggled lightly, before our eyes locked together, the same expression of lust upon our faces. It was as though drunken minds think alike. I knew that all three of us had the same idea pop into our heads, as Sal cupped Frances' face, and pulled her into a kiss. In my drunken state, I didn't mind, in fact, the idea of watching Sal do his thang in the bedroom was kind of a turn on for me. Frances stumbled back, perplexed by the sudden burst of lust from her best friend, but also her ex-boyfriend. Sal looked at me and winked, before he turned to face Frances again. He mouthed the word 'threesome' to her, as his hands gestured, shall we say, a more risqué kind of vibe. Let's just say that his gesture involved an 'o' shape and a finger. Hopefully Frances understood what that goofball was getting at.

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