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Here it was, the big day where Sal and I would find out if we were destined to become parents. It was weird to think that right now, Frances could be pregnant, and we wouldn't even know it. It was safe to say that Sal and I had been counting down to this day, we had promised each other not to get our hopes up, in case things didn't work out, but I guess we weren't able to keep to that promise inside. Sal and I had made our way over to Frances' house, taking a seat on her sofa. She walked out of the room, soon returning with a small box from the bathroom. It was full of pregnancy tests, and she wanted to use as many as possible, just to make sure that we would know for sure.

"You ready for this, boys?" She smiled. We nodded our heads, before following her to the bathroom. She stepped in, shutting the door behind her, as we stood outside waiting. Sal and I were leant against the wall either side of the door, as we both slowly descended down to the floor, with our knees pressed to our chests. Sal held his hand out, as I clasped his palm tightly in mine. He turned his head towards me, as a smile sprawled across his cheeks. I offered him a smile in return, as we heard the toilet flush from the other side of the door. Our eyes widened, as we clambered up from the floor, staring mindlessly at the door, awaiting for it to swing open.

"Remember, if it's negative, there are other options." I whispered to Sal, as he nodded, taking in a deep breath. In an ideal world, this would be our best option for having children, however, sometimes these things aren't always meant to be, and who knows, maybe adoption would be a better choice for us, if things weren't to work out this way.

There was a minute of silence, before the bathroom door swung open. Frances gave us a weak smile, as she allowed us to step in. She ordered us to close our eyes, as she laid out the tests onto the counter. Sal and I stood opposite, awaiting further instruction. Frances counted down from three, before Sal and I removed our hands from over our eyes, soaking in the news. There, on the counter, were five positive pregnancy tests. I fell to my knees, as I punched the air. Tears were streaming down my face, as I mumbled a quiet prayer under my breath. Sal stood behind me, his arms clutching around my shoulders, as he bent over, placing kisses to my cheeks. Frances jumped up and down excitedly, as we pulled her into a group hug. Once we had calmed down, I stood back up, clutching at Sal's hand. We looked at Frances, completely speechless, until I found the right words to say.

"Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, Frances. You don't know how happy we are that you of all people, are going to be a surrogate for us. We can't thank you enough, this means the absolute world to us, and I don't know how we'll ever repay you." I spoke softly, my voice cracking, as tears continued to fall down my face. Frances shook her head, as the emotions overwhelmed her. She was speechless, but at that moment in time, no words needed to be said. I walked over to the counter, picking up one of the tests in my hands. My thumb grazed over the positive symbol, my mind still in shock that this was actually happening. I stared at the plastic test in my hands, as I felt Sal curl his arms around my torso. He pulled my ass into him, as he squeezed me lovingly. He softly kissed the back of my neck, swinging my body from side to side.

"I guess this calls for a celebration, right?!" He announced, after pulling away from me. Frances and I nodded, as we made our way into her living room. "We can celebrate that Brian's dick still works properly." He teased, as he went to pat his hand against my crotch. I beat him to it, swatting his hand away, and proceeding to hit him in his groin. Sal clutched at his manhood, as he collapsed to the floor. "My balls!" He groaned aloud, as Frances and I laughed at him. He laid there on the floor for a while, just rolling over, as he winced in pain. This guy always likes to make a mountain out of a mole hill with things like this. He eventually stood up, as we all took a seat on the sofa. Sal had texted Joe and Murr to join us to celebrate, after we told them the awesome news. It didn't take long for them to pull up on the driveway in Joe's car. We were already stood at the front door, as they walked up to us.

"Guys, is everything okay?" Joe asked, as he walked in and took a seat. Sal and I looked at each other, before we smiled brightly. Frances was sat next to me, as I wrapped my arm around her shoulders.

"This wonderful specimen of a woman only went and got pregnant with our child! Guys, we're going to be parents!" Sal announced excitedly, as he pointed across to her. Frances' cheeks blushed, as Joe and Murr jumped up in celebration. They gave each of us a hug, congratulating us, before returning to their seats.

"Wow, guys that's awesome!" Murr exclaimed, as he smiled brightly. I nodded in agreement, as a cheesy smile remained plastered on my face. Sal placed a kiss to my cheek, before letting me rest my head against his shoulder.

This was the happiest moment of my life, and I know that Sal felt the same. We were finally going to have our own little family of Quinn's and I couldn't fucking wait! I know at first I'll be a rookie, but according to Joe, parenting comes naturally once you fit into a rhythm. I trusted his words, as he was an amazing dad to little Milana. I knew that if I had any worries about becoming a father, I could turn to Joe for advice. The five of us spent the rest of the evening just talking about what would happen next, and wondering what would entail in the near future.

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