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On the Saturday of the upcoming weekend, we had planned to decorate the nursery, ready and waiting for Ashleigh's arrival. Sal and I had already done the majority of the shopping for the essentials, such as the crib, changing table and everything in-between. As her due date drew ever closer, the excitement that I'd feel would be topped. I had been waiting for this moment for so long, and I knew that Sal was even more impatient for the day to arrive. He had been counting down the days, and with only a week left to go, it was safe to say that he was on the edge of his seat, as was I.

The paint cans were sat ready and waiting for us by the time the Saturday had arrived. Sal was dressed in some of my old clothes, not wanting to get any of his own splashed with paint. I didn't mind at all, I always loved it when he'd wear my clothes, it was as though I owned him, and you know me, I love to be the dominant one. He was dressed in my purple and grey striped shirt, with only his boxers on underneath – you know, to "save on laundry", according to Sal anyway. Me on the other hand, I was wearing a plain white vest top that I had tucked into my boxer shorts. What? Otherwise, it'd just keep lifting up whenever I were to paint high up. We had decided to paint the walls a light shade of pink, with a strip of baby blue running along the middle of the wall. Sal had allowed me to put one superman wall decal in the corner, it was a fucking miracle that he let me. He knew I wanted my child to grow up being a comic book know-it-all, and let me tell you, she did not disappoint.

"Ready to get started?" Sal asked, as he sprawled a sheet across the wooden floor, so that the paint wouldn't stain the floor. I grabbed the paintbrush, dipping it into the pink colouring, as I looked at him, a smile growing on my face.

"As ready as I'll ever be, Sal." I replied, before putting the brush to the wall. I began to spread the liquid evenly across the wall, as Sal joined in. Within no time, the walls were covered with the soft shade of pink. I was just dipping the brush in the paint, when I felt something splash across my face. My mouth fell open, as I swivelled around to find Sal on the floor laughing. He had flicked his paintbrush at me, sending the leftover colouring to fly across and land on my face. The small mirror that was sat on the floor, ready and waiting to be hung up, showed my reflection. The pink paint had gotten all in my hair, and small dots were across my cheeks and nose. "Sal, that's not funny!" I called out, as I dunked my brush into the can. I raised my hand up, before swinging it across, sending the paint flying everywhere. Sal flinched, as he raised his hands up, covering his face. The pink landed in his hair and all down his body. Sal lowered his arms, as he looked down at his feet, studying his whole body, before he looked up at me with a glare. He stormed his way over to the paint can, dipping his finger into the liquid, as he walked up to me. I closed my eyes, as his finger was placed against my cheek, drawing what I assumed was a dick on my face. He stood back, admiring his work, before he fell into a pit of laughter. He started wheezing, as his hands clutched around his stomach, before he buckled at the knees, falling onto the floor. I saw my opportunity to get him back, and that I did. I straddled his body, pinning him in place, as he started to try and squirm free. I dunked my hand into the paint, before running it through his hair, turning his dark locks into a soft pink. Sal started to push me off, and kick and punch his way out of my restraint. He pushed me onto my back, as he went to add more paint to my already pink stained face. I restrained his arms back, as we began to roll over, both trying to paint each other one last time.

After what seemed like forever of rolling around the floor, I finally pinned Sal down on his back. My hands clasped around his wrists, holding him to the floor, as I felt him struggle in my restraint. I chuckled lightly, before lowering myself down, placing a kiss to his paint stained lips. My nose squished against his cheek, as my lips brushed softly against his. No, the paint didn't taste the slightest bit appetising, but I didn't care. The rush and buzz of play fighting with him had an effect on me, I needed him there and then. I held my body above his, my crotch grazing against his. I could feel the impact I was having on the man, as his dick pressed against my thigh. I moved off of him, pulling Sal up to his feet, before pushing him against the door. His hand fumbled around for the doorknob, as I kissed him with all of my strength. Sal managed to open the door, as I pushed him into our bedroom. Our clothes were being ripped from us, and before we knew it, we were naked. I laid him down on the bed, as I held myself above him. I kissed at his neck, as Sal wrapped his arms around me. His fingers pulled at my hair, as I continued my assault down his neck to his collarbone. I could tell by his harsh breathing that the mix of my warm breath, the scratch of my stubble on his tender skin, and the roll of my hips, was lighting a fire inside of him. I moved my lips back up to his face, running my tongue along his jaw, my tongue coming into contact with his scraggly beard. I let my hands explore his body, as they ran down his sides and clasped onto his thighs. I brought his legs up and over my shoulders, before taking ahold of my erect member. I pumped my shaft slowly, gaining an exasperated moan from Sal. I lined myself up with his opening, before slowly pushing into him. My teeth became buried into my bottom lip, as the sensation of my dick filling him whole overrode all of my senses. Sal dug his fingernails into my shoulders, as my hips began to move at a slow pace. My speed gradually increased, as my eyes stared into his. I studied his features, taking in everything that I loved about the man, before my hand curled around his shaft. I started to jerk him off, feeling his pre-cum drip down his length and onto my hand.

The sound of our skin clapping together echoed around the room, it was like music to my ears. My hips were rocking back and forth as fast as I could possibly go, the numbing sensation in the pit of my stomach building with every thrust. I laid my chest on top of his, as I wrapped one arm around his body, hugging him tightly, as my hips continued to roll. His hardened length was pressed against my stomach, as my hand continued to pump up and down. Within the blink of an eye, Sal was screaming out, as he released onto my stomach and hand. I held my body back up, the pace of my hips beginning to calm. I raised my cum-stained hand to my mouth, lapping up his creation. Sal couldn't resist any longer, he cupped my face, pulling me down to kiss me forcefully. His tongue swirled with mine, as the taste of his creation and his sweet tongue filled my mouth. I slammed my hips into him once more, as I released inside of him. I moaned into Sal's mouth, causing a vibration to erupt between us. I pulled out of him, before collapsing onto the bed beside him. We turned to face each other, smiling happily, before we caught our breath. As I sat up, I noticed the mess we had made. I tapped Sal, making him sit up, before his face dropped. There was pink paint everywhere, pink footprints along the floor, our painted clothes in a pile on the floor, and don't even get me started on the bedsheets.

"Ah, fuck!" Sal groaned, as he threw his hands up in the air. I chuckled lightly, realising that the paint on my hands still wasn't fully dry. I raised my hand up to his cheek, letting it stain his skin. Sal glared at me, his breathing deepening, as he refrained himself from tackling me right there and then. Well, that's one way to paint a room.

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