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Roughly a month later, Sal and I had booked an appointment at the hospital in order for me to...provide, if you know what I mean. Frances had had the all-clear, meaning that we could go ahead and get things moving, and hopefully get the gears in motion, so that Sal and I could have a chance at becoming parents. We knew that the success rate wasn't exactly ideal, but it was worth a try. If it's not meant to be, then we'll have to take an alternative route, but that's the struggle, I suppose. The more I thought about things, the more I was ready to become a parent, was I still scared that I'd be a fuck up of a dad? Absolutely, but I knew that Sal would set me straight, he'd guide me and show me how to do things correctly.

"Ready to go, Babe?" Sal asked, as he grabbed his car keys and phone. I nodded my head, as I finished up typing my laces, before meeting him at the front door. I locked up our house, as I soon joined him in his car. I clambered into the seat, planting a kiss to his cheek, as he turned the key in the ignition. The engine roared, before Sal pressed down on the accelerator pedal. The drive was quiet for the majority of the journey, until Sal broke the silence. He turned the dial on the radio down, letting me hear him over the music. He glanced at me quickly, before returning his view to the road. "You sure you want to do this?"

"Y-Yeah..." I croaked. Sal raised an eyebrow at me in a questioning manner, before sliding his hand into my lap. My fingers intertwined with his, as he squeezed my hand softly. He knew that I was nervous, I mean, it's not every day that you go into a small room and jerk yourself off. I don't want people looking at my sperm, practically judging it. This is going to be weird for me. I took a deep breath, knowing that Sal wanted to know what was wrong. "What if I don't do it right?" Sal started to choke, trying to hold in a laugh. Yeah, I guess now that I think about it, I was stupid to say that. Sal wiped his eyes from the single tear, before he looked at me. His cheeks were a rosy red from trying not to laugh at me.

"Brian, trust me, after what I've experienced with you, there's no way you can fuck this up. You just gotta...you know..." He spoke, using his hands to emphasise his words. "Just make sure that your aim is on point." He lightly chuckled. I nodded my head, as I listened to what he was saying. Even though he was joking, it did actually make sense to me. I've just got to pretend that I'm with Sal when I'm in the room.

We eventually arrived at the hospital, checking in at the reception, before taking our seat in the waiting room. The pair of us were surrounded by other hopeful parents – it was nice to see that we weren't the only ones who were in this situation. Sal held my hand tightly, as he offered me a supportive smile. He could tell that the nearer it got to when I'd have to perform, so to speak, the more nervous I was getting. My knee couldn't stop bouncing, as my body became swarmed with nerves. After just under an hour's wait, my name was called. Sal walked behind me, as I followed the nurse to the door, she handed me a sample cup, before leading me into the room. Sal gave me a thumbs up, before the door shut behind him. I sat there in silence, looking around the empty room. On the plain white walls, there were posters of babies, and happy couples. It hurt me, to know that this could potentially all be for nothing. Questions raced around my mind; what if it didn't work? What if there's a problem? All of these what if's were swirling around my brain, before I was brought out of my thoughts by a knocking on the door.

"Bri? You okay in there?" I heard Sal whisper. He must have snuck back over to the room without the nurse seeing him. I cleared my throat, before making my way over to the door. I ran my fingers over the wood, picturing him stood there, with his hair all fluffy, and the adorable glasses sat on the bridge of his nose.

"Y-Yeah, it's just taking a while. I need something to, um, get me started." I choked. I heard Sal chuckle from the other side of the door, before I noticed the door handle move. Sal crept into the room, shutting the door behind him. "Sal, what are you-?" I went to ask, before his finger was placed to my lips, as he shushed me softly. He pulled me over to the small sofa in the room, sitting me down next to him. I was pushed against the back of the sofa, as Sal held himself over me, his hand grazed over my crotch, as he palmed at my manhood. My whole body became numb, as my breath hitched. Sal's lips soon became locked with mine, before he slowly made his way down to my neck. He knew that I couldn't resist it when he would nibble at my skin, as I felt my jeans become tight, restraining my shaft. Sal knew the effect he was having on me, as his face remained buried into the crook of my neck. His hand slowly unzipped my flies, as his hand dove in, setting my member free. I started to breath heavily, not sure how I'd be able to move free from Sal's restraint, so that I could, you know, provide. I wrapped my hand around my length, letting the pleasure build up inside of me, before I shot my load into the sample cup. Sal immediately pulled away, a devilish smile upon his face, as he winked slyly.

"Do I know what I'm doing or what?" He chuckled, as I rolled my eyes at him. I mouthed the words shut up to him, before I stood up from the sofa, walking around the room, as I zipped up my jeans. When I turned around, I was met with Sal studying the sample, I crossed my eyebrows at him, almost weirded out at how deeply he was looking at my creation.

"Sal, would you fucking stop that? It's weird." I stated, as Sal gave me a disapproving look. He placed the cup down onto the table, crossing his arms and stropping like a small child. He sat back on the sofa, shaking his head at me.

"I was only looking..." He pouted. I ignored his comment, as I locked the lid onto the cup, before making my way to the door. Sal stood up behind me, following me out of the room, as we made our way over to the desk. I can't tell you how embarrassing it felt to hand in a small cup full of semen, but you know what, fuck it. This was for my future, and hell, these nurses had to handle it all day. They were used to it.

A week later, Sal and I joined Frances at the hospital once again, as they performed the procedure. We waited outside eagerly, knowing that in a matter of weeks, we could be parents to a little foetus. Frances came out of the room, as we hugged her tightly. The next stage was for her to take a pregnancy test in weeks' time. Let's just hope that things go well.

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