Chapter 6

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*Spencer's P.O.V*

Still holding the red cup, I navigated my way through a sea of drunk, sweaty bodies to see if I could find a quiet spot to sit and think. Making it through the first room, I squeezed past a couple making out in the door way and found myself in another dark room with a drinks table in one corner and a DJ in another. Continuing to make my way through the dance floor I was about to step outside when a warm hand grabbed my shoulder, twisting me around.

"Shit Finn! You almost scared the crap out of me!" I breathed slowly. He just grinned at me and pulled me into the centre of the room.

"Please... Dance with me?" he purred, wrapping his tanned arms around my waist. In return I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my head into his chest. We slow danced to Fix You by Coldplay and for five beautiful minutes, we just stayed there. After Fix You, Finn disappeared to get some drinks so I made my way back to the window and waited. He returned with two red plastic cups and handed one to me.

"What is it?" I hesitantly questioned, gingerly raising it up to my lips.

"Vodka" Finn replied downing his in one shot. I did the same, the liquid burning my throat. I didn't particularly like Vodka but I didn't mind. My mind was fuzzy from our dance and the alcohol just added to it. I hadn't even noticed the boy was gone until another cup was thrust into my face. We downed it again and another and another until I was no longer worrying about anything. Finn dragged me back onto the dance floor and we bounced along to Timber by Ke$ha when I felt his hands find their way to the bottom of my skirt and begin to tug it up. Freaking out for the second time that day, I slapped his hands away and turned to run away. Despite the fact I'd had a bit to drink, I still managed to make out through to the gravel path and I stumbled all the way back to my dorm.


The next morning, I woke up with a massive headache. I turned over onto my side but forgot how small the bed actually was and fell off. Landing on the floor with a bump, I noticed Emma was back but Eliza was no where to be seen. Slowly getting up, I trudged over to the shower and turned it on. Just as I was about to get in, I heard a loud bump, and then a groan. I laughed a little knowing it was Emma and she'd probably just fallen out of her bed like I had.

After my shower, I changed into my Carlton track team hoodie and tracksuit pants and went to see if Emma wanted to get breakfast with me.

"Hey Em, want breakfast?" she mumbled a reply and stood up.

Nodding she said, "Yeah just let me get changed."


"So where'd you disappear to last night?" my friend asked as we sat down at an empty table. I shrugged, piling waffles into my mouth. Emma sipped her coffee and smirked. "Finn?"

"Maybe," I murmured. Swallowing my food I continued, "But it was nothing because I freaked out again." I shrugged finishing my waffles. Emma just sighed in response. She knows what I've been through and she knows how hard it is for me to let people get close.

I was thankful school started tomorrow because I knew then I wouldn't have to see Finn as much since we're in different classes. "Oh shit." my head snapped up as Emma interrupted my thoughts and saw the last person I'd want to see. Still in my hungover state, I made my way through the cafeteria towards the door to leave but tripped and fell over right in front of Finn, Jack, Harrison and Ryan.

"Hey, are you alright?" I heard Finn ask and felt two hands pull me up off the ground. I nodded and mumbled something to resemble 'thank you' and went back up to my room. Eliza still wasn't back so I assumed she finally succeded and slept with Kyle. Falling into my bed I picked up my chemistry text book and tried to revise over the stuff we did last year but ended up drifting off to sleep.



I was abruptly woken by the annoying sound of my alarm. I quickly scrambled out of my bed to turn it off before it could start beeping again and then I was up at 6:45. I had plenty of time for a run, shower and breakfast before class started at 9am. Putting some clean tracksuit pants and a black T-shirt and my running trainers, I tied my hair into a high ponytail and jogged down to the track. I had almost made it to the end of my first lap when I saw a figure in the distance. The boy turned around and I recognized it was Kyle. Slowing down to a fast walk, I caught up to him.

"Oh, hey. I didn't think anyone came out here this early." he said to me as I caught up and walked beside him.

"Yeah, I like I run. And usually there's no one out here when I come down." I replied. "Hey, you were with Eliza the night of that party a few days ago weren't you?" I asked.

A sneaky smile crept onto Kyle's lips and he nodded.

"Well she never came back to the room. Do you know where she is?"

For a split second I swore I saw something resembling fear or guilt flash through his eyes. But he blinked and there was nothing so I thought I was probably imagining things.

"Look I have no idea where your friend is. I've got to go." He spoke quickly. "I'll see you 'round Spencer" he winked before taking off in the direction of the school.

Leaving me slightly puzzled, I did another lap of the track before running back to the room.


My chemistry laboratory was on the way to the art rooms and the history classroom so I walked with Emma and Finn on our first day of classes.

"You nervous?" Emma asked Finn. He just nodded and kept messing with his hair, key signs of nerves.

"Don't worry you'll be fine! Everyone will love you!" I assured him. Arriving at my chemistry lab, I turned to Emma and Finn. "Meet me in the cafeteria at lunch okay?" I wished them luck and stepped into the lab, taking my seat.

"Ok welcome back everyone. For the first week we're going to do a bit of a recap on the things we did last year, then we'll move into the new stuff. Is that ok with everyone?" There was a mumble of yes's and my professor, Dr. Bell began.

He had just began to talk when there was a knock at the door. The person opened the door and spoke, "Sorry I'm late Dr. Bell. This is my first day here. I'm Cody Howard."

My head snapped up to look at the door. "Shit." I mumbled.

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