Monday Morning

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4:00 AM, Shiro's alarm clock flashed and began playing upbeat 80's music.
"Mmm," he smiled as he stood up and stretched. "Good morning universe."
He tied his sneakers, and hit the floor to do 30 minutes of burpees. When he finished he grabbed his headphones and water bottle, and headed out the door.
His mornings were all spent the same, the regular exercises, a silent run through the ship, a swim in the pool, a shower, and then making breakfast for everyone.
As he ran past Keith's room he heard classical music being played on the violin. "Insomnia, again."
Past Pidge's room he saw her sleeping on the floor with her computer in her lap. He stopped, walked in, put her in her bed, tucked her in, and continued on his way.
He learned about the people he lived with during his morning run. Keith frequently had insomnia, Lance was secretly OCD, Hunk could sleep through the apocalypse, Pidge was a Fangirl, and Allura snored.
When he had finished with his run he was at the door of the pool, he opened a control panel, switched a few wires, and closed it back up. Before opening the door, he took off his sneakers and shirt, put his watterbottle on the ground, and stretched his arms out one last time.
Closing the door behind him, he planted himself firmly on the ground, and pushed off with all the force he could possibly exert, shooting himself through the air and into the pool.
As soon as he hit the water, he smiled. He spent around an hour in the pool before he climbed out and shot off a wall to the door.
With belongings in hand, the soaked Shiro walked back to his room. Not wanting to wake up those who were sleeping, Shiro misused his arm as a flashlight.

7:00 AM, Shiro elected to make waffles for breakfast. Just to put a smile on everybody's faces. He pulled a black apron over his white T-shirt and jeans and tied a knot in the back.
"Now, where is the waffle iron? I know we have one here somewhere," he sighed, looking through the top cupboards and pulling ingredients out along the way. "Aha!" As he measured, mixed, and poured, he happily whistled.
While waiting for the waffle iron to finish, Shiro put the finishing touches on the team's weekly schedule. "If, we move that to Wednesday, then we'll be able to do this on Friday," he mumbled, sitting on the counter with the schedule and a pencil in hand.

Keith trudged in right as Shiro was pulling out the last waffle.
"Keith, we gotta talk," Shiro sighed, putting the platter of waffles on the island Keith was sitting at. "You haven't been sleeping at all lately."
"That's not true, I slept for-" he took a second to look at his watch, "two hours last night!"
"And that's better, how?" Shiro rubbed the ridge of his nose.
Keith shrugged and the rest of the team walked in.
"Good morning you guys," Shiro smiled, putting plates, utensils, whip cream, oreos, syrup, butter, and sprinkles on the counter in front of them.
"Shiro," Hunk yawned, grabbing a plate and a waffle, "you have batter on your face."
"Shiro," Pidge stared at Keith while taking a bite of her whip cream, sprinkles, and cookie smothered waffle. "Keith is asleep."
Lance pulled out a marker while Shiro was busy and wrote on the back of Keith's neck. Although he had the common sense to wait until Shiro's back was turned, he lacked the perception necessary to realise when Shiro was staring at him suspiciously.
"Lance, what did you do?" Shiro sighed, noticing the permanent marker in Lance's hand.
"Uhh... nothing," Lance quickly lied, turning 180 degrees and throwing the marker over his shoulder, hitting Keith in the face.
"You illegitimate son of a -!" Keith growled, waking up and shoving Lance off his stool and onto the floor.
"Ow! Hey!" Lance screamed, as Keith pinned him to the floor.
"Keith! NO!" Shiro yelled, picking both of them up by their collars and staring at them.
"Oooo, you two are in for it now," Pidge whistled, grabbing Lance's plate and finishing it off.
"Both of you apologize, or else." Shiro demanded, looking at the two adolescents.
"Why should I?" Keith huffed, avoiding eye-contact.
"That's it," Shiro said, putting them on their feet and pulling a large shirt over the two of them.
"What the heck, Shiro, what is this?!" Lance yelled, realising he was trapped with Keith.
"It has a label and I'm pretty sure you both can read." Shiro sighed, sitting down and taking a sip of his coffee.
"'Get along shirt,'" Keith read aloud and scoffed, "Shiro, you can't do this!"
"Just sit down and eat your stupid food so that we can talk about what's going on this week!"
Begrudgingly, Lance and Keith complied. Keith resumed eating and Lance looked around for his plate.
Pidge merely smiled and slid his empty plate in front of him.
"Oh, COME ON!" Lance groaned.
"Pidge, you shouldn't have done that," Shiro sighed, "you know what? It's not like she's hurting anyone. So, here's what we're doing this week."

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