Taser Tuesday

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8:00 AM Keith, Hunk, and Pidge were giggling next to Lance's bed.
"Do it," Keith urged Pidge.
"What are you three doing in here?!" Shiro whisper-yelled, trying not to wake up Lance.
"We're messing with his dreams," Pidge whispered, holding up a bowl of bacon nachos.
"Whenever we use Mexican food or pizza he breaks out into Spanish," Keith whispered, eating one.
"I'm here to observe and record for science," Hunk smiled quietly, uncapping his pen.
Shiro sat down next to them, "this I've got to see."
"Silence is key once the experiment starts," Pidge bit her lip and held the nachos by Lance's face.
Lance got a goofy smile on his face, rolled over and sighed, "¿Para mi? Aww, te amo también, eres el mejor ..."
Hunk wrote a note and showed it to Keith who shrugged and showed the note to Pidge.
'He's in stage three, we can ask who he's talking about as long as it's in Spanish. GO FOR IT.'
Pidge nodded, and whispered in Lance's ear, "¿Quién es su amor?"
Lance muzzled his pillow lovingly and smiled, "No es ningún secreto que te amo."
Everybody stared at Pidge, replacing his headphones, she yelled, "Well, I don't know who he's talking about!"
"That was interesting, I'm gonna go make breakfast." Shiro sighed, standing up and dragging Pidge and Keith out behind him.

About forty minutes later, Lance walked into the kitchen to find everybody eating eggs and bacon. He sat at the end of the table and Shiro slid him a full plate.
"I had a dream about bacon," Lance stared at the now snickering Pidge and Hunk.
"That's the most interesting thing I've ever heard you say." Keith stated, taking a bite of bacon.
"Jerk," Lance sighed, turning his attention to his breakfast.
"Shiro, what are we doing for training today?" Hunk asked, stacking his empty plate on the counter with Pidge's and Shiro's.
"Well, we're ditching the teams for today," Shiro smiled, "and although Lance will probably beat us all, we're playing taser-tag."
Pidge stared at Shiro, and Lance leaned over to Hunk and whispered, "he means laser-tag, right?"
"i-I think so?" Hunk whispered.

-thirty minutes later on a lower level of the ship-
"I found this weird room and a whole bunch of glow-in-the-dark paint," Shiro smiled, handing out stun-guns.
"I thought you banned this game." Pidge whispered, remembering what happened with Matt.
"Well it's too late to change the schedule now." Shiro sighed, opening the door and letting the team in before him. "Spread out. Hunk, count to fifty, and then it's basically the same as laser tag!" Shiro ran off towards the farthest corner of the room.
Everybody spread out as quickly as possible and Hunk nervously started counting.
"... f-Fifty?" He knew something was coming but he wasn't sure who from. ZAP! "OW!"
"Hunk's out!" Keith yelled, ninja-rolling back out of Shiro's range.
"Shiro! Help!" Pidge yelled from some dark facet of the room.
"Pidge?" Team-dad instinct kicked in and he scrambled off in her direction.
No more than five ticks later, Shiro screamed and that corner of the room lit up for a split-second. "Why did you turn your gun up?!"
"For fun. Shiro's out!" Pidge yelled from across the room.
Nobody had seen or heard from Lance since 'training' started.
Keith wandered about warily watching for Pidge. A shadow dodged about behind him until... ZAP!
"Keith?" Pidge stooped over his prone form. She checked for a pulse. "Still alive, only one other person is still in the game...."
"Me," Lance smiled behind her, pulling the trigger. Zap.

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