The Wednesday Excursion

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"Keith, wake up," Shiro smiled, tapping Keith on the shoulder.
"What is it dad?" Keith moaned, pulling his covers over his head.
"Come on, we're gonna have fun today. Get dressed and bring a backpack to the shuttle." Shiro sighed, pulling the blanket away and shoving it in the closet on his way out. He still had to wake up the other three.

Shiro walked towards Hunk's room, with a duffle bag on his shoulder and a trumpet in hand. The door to Hunk's room silently slid open and allowed Shiro to step in. He lifted the trumpet to his lips and played Taps.
A startled Hunk fell out of bed, and looked at his clock. "DUDE! It's 4 AM!"
"I know, we need to leave at 5:00. Get up, get dressed for a hike, bring your backpack to the shuttle bay," Shiro suddenly remembered something, "and bring a swimsuit."
"What are we doing?" Hunk inquired, still drowsy.
"It's a surprise," Shiro smiled, leaving towards Lance's room.

Shiro sat on Lance's bed and picked up the phone connected to his headphones. He calmly went onto youtube and searched for a certain song. While he waited for it to load he pulled Lance's backpack out from under his bed and began packing Lance's bag for the trip. When he was finished he zipped the bag up and pressed play.
"GAH!" Lance screamed and hit his head on the overhead of his bed. "Owie! What the cheese?!"
"Are you ok? Quiznak, you need to be more careful, Lance!" Shiro said, putting the backpack in Lance's lap and checking for a bump on his head.
"I'm fine," Lance sighed, staring at his packed backpack. "Are we going somewhere?"
"Yes, get dressed and go to the bay, ok?"
Shiro smiled at Lance and went to wake up Pidge.

"Good Morning, I know it's early but we have places to be-" Shiro was surprised by what he found, or rather, didn't find. "Pidge?" He did find a note pinned to her wall with his name on it.
'Shiro, couldn't sleep, in the shuttle already, I found your itinerary for today and I have my backpack.

When he entered the shuttle he found that Hunk and Pidge were buckled in, but Keith and Lance were fighting over the pilot's seat.
"No, it's my turn to pilot the shuttle!" Lance huffed, shoving his shoulder into Keith's and knocking him off the chair.
"You were the pilot last time!" Keith growled, sliding back into the seat and elbowing Lance in the face.
"Shiro! Tell Keith that it's my turn," Lance yelled.
"Tell Lance to stop being a dictator!"
Pidge and Hunk stared at Shiro as he walked up to the front seat. He grabbed both of them by the back of their collar and lifted them up. He gave them a stern look, "that was one of the dumbest reasons to argue that I have ever heard. First off, neither of you know where we're going, secondly, I do, which means I'm piloting this shuttle." He then set them on their feet and sent them to their seats.

=an hour and a half into the journey=
"Are we there yet?" Lance groaned, looking through his backpack to see what Shiro had packed.
"NO," Shiro sighed, rubbing his nasion.
"How much longer is it?"
"An hour."
"You'll let us know when we get there, right?"
"Lance, I swear, if you don't stop I will turn this shuttle around. Because you are doing this to bother Keith, but you failed to notice that he has his earbuds in!"
Lance looked over at Keith who had his nose in a book and his black earbuds in.

Around an hour later, the shuttle broke the atmosphere of a blue planet. Shiro landed the shuttle in the middle of a verdant field about eleven miles from the coast line.
Keith looked up from his book and pulled out an earbud. "Shiro, where are we?"
"About five miles from where we need to be. Come on, and leave every electronic other than a camera." Shiro smiled, pulling his backpack on and opening the shuttle door.
"Aw man, I hate being outdoors." Pidge shudered, clearing her bag of electronics.
"You brought a lot of stuff, Pidge." Lance whistled, staring at the pile of technology that had formed on her chair.
"Yeah," she sighed, looking out the door, "wow."
"It looks like Earth."

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