Monday: the Reckoning

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"Ready, Set, GO!" Shiro blew his whistle and the teams shot off. For training that day he had set up an obstacle course, whichever team lost had to make dinner that night. There were two teams, the lightning team, Hunk and Pidge, and the cookie team, Keith and Lance. There were also two rules, complete the course and you must maintain physical contact with your partner at all times.
"B-chew b-chew mothers!" Pidge laughed, standing on Hunk's shoulders to grab the first flag from the ceiling.
"Grab it, Keith!" Lance yelled, heaving Keith onto his shoulders.
"Got it!" Keith smiled, grabbing the flag and looking at what was up ahead. "You've got to be kidding me!"
"Lasers. It's official, Shiro is evil."
"I've got this," Keith snapped, pulling his Marmoran blade out of his pocket and deflecting the beams.
"NICE!" Lance whooped, as he ran down the lasered hallway.
About an hour later they finished the course. Shiro greeted them with lemonade.
"Holy cheese," Lance whispered, accepting a cup and collapsing on the floor, "you're magic."
"Congratulations," Shiro smiled, "you two won."
"How? They were a mile ahead of us!" Keith gestured towards Hunk, "wait, where's Pidge?"
Shiro pulled a medical kit out of the wall cupboard, Pidge was sitting on the floor across from Lance and Keith, and she had a bag of frozen veggies on her face.
"What happened?" Lance asked, jumping to his feet.
"You remember the 40 meter rubble dash? Hunk tripped, she skidded on her face."
"Eugh," Lance shuddered, imagining what that was like.
"Maybe we should make dinner," Keith suggested, shooting one last sympathetic look at Pidge.
"That's probably best..." With that Lance and Keith stood up and walked to the kitchen.
"Pidge, it's ok, just hold still," Shiro sighed, trying to rub her face down with antibiotic ointment.
"Nooo," she moaned, "I'm fine, I don't need it."
"That's it," Shiro whispered, pulling the spray out, "on the count of three, ok? You just pull your hands away and it'll feel better."
"Ok," she whispered, putting her faith in him.
"1, 2, 3!"
She pulled her hands away from her face and he sprayed her face.
"GAH! Now it stings! This is not better!" She winced, and then calmed down.
"See, better?" He smiled, pulling a few band aids out, "that's what my mom had to do for me when I tripped out of the bus and onto the concrete."
"You're the best ever." Pidge beamed, as he put bandages on the cuts and scrapes that were still bleeding.
"Come on, we have to get dinner started," Shiro said, helping Pidge to her feet.

As they edged closer to the kitchen a wonderful, bready scent wafted through the air.
"Do you smell that?" Hunk wondered if he was dreaming.
"Yeah," Shiro stealthily peeked through the kitchen door.
"Keith, catch!" Lance whistled throwing Keith the bottle of olive oil as he tossed pizza dough in the air.
"Got it!" Keith snapped it out of midair and squirted some into the pot of sauce he was stirring. "Got the dough done?"
"Yeah!" He threw the dough onto the pan and shaped it, Keith ran over and put the sauce on, and they both covered it with cheese. Lance shoved it in the oven and Keith started the timer.
"Hey, we do make a good team," Lance smiled, high-fiving Keith.
Shiro walked in, "team cookies was definitely my favorite."
"You guys are right on time," Lance smiled as a previously set timer went off.
"This one is pepperoni," Keith smiled setting the pizza on the counter.
"This is fantastic you guys," Hunk smiled, taking a piece of pizza and eating it.
"Your face healed really quickly, do you have a healing factor? Are you a mutant?" Keith questioned Pidge, who was eating.
"Keith, cool the crazy," Lance sighed, patting him on the shoulder.
Shiro suddenly remembered what he'd found earlier. "Anybody want some tea?"
"Yes!" They all smiled in unison.

"What are we doing tomorrow?" Hunk asked Shiro as he sipped his cup of tea.
"Team building."
"But we did that today..." Lance whispered, rubbing his tired eyes.
"Well, it's team WEEK."
"Shiro, what's in this?" Keith inquired, beginning to slur his words.
"I'll tell you in the morning, because..." Shiro looked at his watch, "3, 2, 1. Goodnight Keith," Shiro smiled as Keith passed out.
"WHOA," Lance stared wide-eyed at Keith, then looked towards Shiro, "you didn't put that in my cup, right?"
"Yeah, I did." Shiro yawned taking a sip of tea.
"What is it?!" Pidge gasped, unable to believe that Shiro had just drugged them all.
"Chamomile tea, he's always been a light-weight when it came to this stuff. Goodnight you guys," Shiro sighed, picking Keith up. "Pidge, no tumblr tonight."
"Ugh, fine."
"I mean it," he smiled, stepping out of the door with Keith in his arms.

"Why are you carrying me?" Keith asked, he was half asleep.
"I'm tucking you in," Shiro sighed, unable to find a less childish way to put it.
"Oh, ok," Keith yawned as Shiro put him to bed and covered him up.
"Goodnight," Shiro smiled, standing up to leave.
"Waiiit," Keith moaned, grabbing Shiro's wrist.
"Is something wrong?" Shiro asked as he knelt at Keith's bedside.
"Yeah," Keith blew a raspberry and rolled his eyes, "you forgot to give me a goodnight kiss, or read me a bedtime story."
"Ok," Shiro sighed rubbing the ridge of his nose, he kissed Keith on top of his head, stood up, and flipped the lights off, "goodnight Keith."
"Goodnight dad," Keith yawned, turning over.

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