Taxing Tuesday

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At 8:00 AM, Shiro gathered up the gang and brought them all up to date on the kitchen situation.
"Due to," Shiro rubbed his glabella, "unforeseen events,  we're going to spend the day cleaning and repairing the right wing of B-deck."
Lance thought for a tick, "B-deck. Isn't that where the kitchen is?"
Keith buried his face in his hands, Hunk smiled nervously, and Pidge adjusted the fake tooth she'd made.
Shiro stood and sighed, "yes, Lance, that is where the kitchen is. We'd better get started if we want to be done before midnight."

When the elevator door opened, Lance's jaw hit the floor. "What happened?"
Shiro looked over at the other three paladins, "do you want to tell him what you did last night?"
"We made gunpowder, and blew up the kitchen." Pidge smirked, picking up a mop and walking to the kitchen through the scorch-marks.
"What, did you detonate a whole barrel?!"
Keith rather sheepishly coughed, "yes."
"Oh," Lance shrugged, "Ok."
"He handled that rather well," Hunk stated, trying to grasp why he handled it so well.
Shiro yanked Pidge back from the kitchen doorway, "I'd rather you not go in there before I check the damage. Until then, I want all of you to work together to clean up this hallway."
Lance was staring up at the ceiling, "how did you get burns on the ceiling? My brothers didn't even do that when they blew two barrels."
"This is not going to be fun." Pidge murmured, running her fingers through her hair.
"Especially since Lance gets to pick the music," Shiro stated before disappearing into the kitchen.
A kool-aid grin spread across Lance's face.
"How will we get this clean?" Keith sighed, rubbing his neck.
Hunk smiled, and began, "well, when we did serious cleaning like this at my house, we found out that it's easier to start with the ceiling and walls then the floor. Plus, you should take your shoes off."
"The ceiling is really high," Pidge noticed, "we should probably stack up."
Lance scooped Pidge up onto his shoulders and gave her the mop. "I'll hold the bucket."
"Let's do this thing!" Hunk whooped picking up Keith.
"Wait," Lance had a sudden realization, "what about our hair?"
Everyone was silent until Hunk pulled a fistful of bandanas from his pocket.

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